Last year, Harper spent his first Christmas sans mama-made stocking. At just a few weeks old, I figured he didn't mind. And there was just no way I could have done it. But this year, I was determined to make his stocking happen...even though it meant that the final stitches were added just hours before it was actually filled. It was, indeed, finished just in the Nick of time (how could I resist that pun?).
Even though it took me a full year to get around to it, the pattern is one I had in mind just as he was born. It's the Monogrammed Stocking from Alicia's lovely book, Stitched in Time. The pattern is written beautifully, and it all came together quite smoothly (a blessing for timely crafting!).
Just as I cleaned up the chaos of last-minute crafting that morning, the kids reminded me that I had 'forgotten' to make a stocking for someone else. Goodness me. And so...we squeezed one in for Miss Nellie too.
Our stockings are as eclectic as they can be, I think in style, color, and even material (half are knit, half sewn), having been made over the course of ten years as our family has grown. But oh, I love them so.