The Solstice Jammies have become such a treasured tradition for me. On Solstice night, upon arriving inside from a bonfire, the kids slip into their jammies (lined up in front of the tree) for the rest of the nights festivities. They're worn on and off throughout the holiday week, and through the rest of the year, too. I have so many sweet mental images through the years of these oh-so-simple matching jammies on my loves.
Also fast becoming a tradition is the making of the Solstice Jammies, which seems to - more often than not - fall last on the holiday to-do list, landing them right on the evening before. (Ahem.) This year I was particularly grateful that all came together, as (at 10pm) I couldn't for the life of me track down my handmade pants pattern pieces, nor the kids current measurements. A moment of panic nearly set in before I set myself straight with a good old fashioned piece of strong self-advice that never fails: Wing It. And so, sneaking into their bedroom drawers for pants to trace, and draping a tape measure across the legs of each sleeping babe...I wung it.
It worked. Thank goodness.
Something about this fabric totally evokes the curtains in The Sound of Music, doesn't it? Or maybe it's more like The Partridge Family. Yes, that's it. I think we should take it on the road. Oh, the boys will love that. (It's a vintage print, and I can't believe I had exactly the yardage on hand needed to make these!)
I'm well aware that this sweet acceptance/tolerance of matching (paisley, no less) mama-made pajamas might not last forever in our family life. But perhaps that's one of the reasons I love the tradition so much. It's perfectly right now. Cozy and sweet right now for these little ones.
(No worries...Harper got what he was after. His first sips of hot cocoa. He approved.)