Oh, that Folksy Flannel! So good, I tell you. So good. I dove right into that stack of fabric, and just like last time, I couldn't bear to cut it up into tiny pieces. Much like the Good Folks throw I ended up once again with big squares in a quilt!
This, in case you are wondering, is what it looks like when the crafting urge strikes in a small house with no studio floor big enough to spread a quilt on, and a few dozen children (oh, there are only four?) running about. It involves a lot of helpers, and moving quickly. (And really, it's great fun. A little harried sometimes, but fun.)
The quilt was made with 11" squares of folksy flannel, pieced together. It's backed with Hemp & Organic Cotton Fleece (found here). Inside those layers are two layers of bamboo batting (the combination of those three layers makes for a very warm and cozy quilt!). It was put together, turned (rather than binding it), and tied at each squares' corner. An off-and-on one day project of sorts.
The quilt is for the growing family bed...and specifically, for my dear sweet Harper Pie. (Technically speaking, it's a twin size bed nestled between the wall and a king sized bed.) While I fully expect his nights to be spent snuggled right next to us as he has always done, this seems to be about the age at which (in our family experience) a little bit of space of their own right next to us is loved by all - whether it be for five minutes of play in the day, or five hours of sleep at night. It's just a bit of his 'own' space, and gives a few more inches when the family bed is full of visitors, as it so often is. (Also? Sometimes those few extra inches of space help both mama and baby remember that Mama is not, in fact, an all-night diner, as convenient as that may be.)
We must have gotten the timing on this just right for him, because my
goodness, the glee he has at his very own space is, rather,
um, telling don't you think? He loves it. From this new spot of his, he plays with books; he snuggles up with his dolls; and of course, he romps and giggles and laughs at the lessons he is being given in proper bed jumping by three excited siblings (that is what beds are for, isn't it? hmn).
And once in a while - once in a very great, but peaceful, while - he sleeps here.