It's Friday - time for our weekly trip down blog memory lane!
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winter manifesto :: complete
{Originally posted February 12, 2009}
{view all the photos in the flickr set}
A Winter's Manifesto ::
1. Follow the sun wherever you find it. Rejoice in the slowly-growing-longer days.
2. Make Stuff.
3. With gratitude for the labor of summer and fall, do everything in front of the fire. Morning, Noon, and Night.
4. Get out there everyday, no matter how cold or quick the visit may be. Through crunchy snow underfoot and breath-warmed wool on your face, remember the magic and wonder of it all. Try not to take it for granted.
5. Shake things up, change the scenery, and Get out of Dodge.
6. Wool. Flannel. Capilene. Know them. Love them. Layer them.
7. Gather often with friends. To commiserate. To laugh. To warm the spirit.
8. Savor the memories and bounty of past seasons harvest. Plan and dream for the one yet to come.
And that, I do think, wraps up my little Winter Manifesto. I didn't realize it as I was writing them, but I'm pretty sure they could be applied to my year-round goals for living. (With a little more sand and maybe a new pair of shoes thrown in there too. How did I forget the uplifting power of new shoes?) We've had a couple of balmy days here - in the thirties. And while I know there are likely still blizzards and more snow and ice and cold yet to come for us this winter...those few moments of being outside comfortably, of opening the was just what I needed. A timely physical reminder that spring will indeed come again. But for right now? We have some more snow to play in and enjoy...and some cold days to cozily hibernate through. I'll be visiting my Winter Manifesto often for the reminders.
A Note Today:
I had almost forgotten about this little manifesto we made just last year. I thought some frequent reminding of these ideas might be helpful to me in the coming months. Regardless of how smoothly the winter seems to be going, I could always use reminding of the important things.
Rather than plastering it to my forehead, I made a little desktop background (tweaking the words just a little bit). And then I made a few more sizes, just in case any of you are in need of the same kinds of reminders.
Download: 1280x800 ~ 1280x1024 ~ 1440x900 ~ 1680x1050 ~ 1900x1200
Have a lovely weekend, friends!