I am so in love with Anna Maria Horner's new voile line of Little Folks fabric. (It's available in Anna Maria's shop, as well as in the shop of one of our sponsors - Alewives.) Of course her colors and designs are stunning as usual, but oh, this fabric feels so good! It's the kind of fabric that you just have to put next to your skin. Which is just what I did with this quick little scarf. It's two simple 7 x 54" pieces sewn together, turned right side out, pressed and hand stitched at the opening. So easy, quick, and satisfying. (And also fulfilling my sudden urge to wear totally impractical but absolutely cute scarves and dresses around the house with a gimlet in hand. I just rented season 1 of Mad Men. Oh my retro eye candy.)
And this is a little something in progress, though I'm not certain what it is yet. I had thought I'd make two log cabin pillows - a quick project fulfilling a need for 'fresh!' and 'spring!' that I have in my house right now. But now that the two squares are done, I'm thinking it would be so very lovely if I grew it into a quilt. Hmn. Well. I think a quilt and pillows are really the only way to solve this dilemma, wouldn't you agree?