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Posted by SouleMama on May 31, 2010 in family life | Permalink
Today, I am pleased to tell you about our sponsor Fresh-Squeezed Fabrics! In the words of shopkeeper and Mama Randi:
"In my shop, Fresh-Squeezed Fabrics, I aim to carry the freshest
fabrics and patterns, just for you! The shop is stocked with bright,
happy, colorful fabrics that stir your creativity. I want my shop to be
a fun place to visit!"
You can keep up with the Fresh-Squeezed Fabrics news by visiting Randi's blog, i have to say...
Randi: I have been in business for 2 years now and I love doing what I do. It is fun to have a job that I enjoy and that allows me to stay home with my kids since we homeschool.
SouleMama: What inspired you to start your business?
Randi: Basically my love for fabric and my desire to try something new. When I started up I was a stay-at-home mom on the verge of burn-out and opening my shop was just the boost that I needed. I love caring for my kids and teaching them, but it is also rewarding to use my gifts and talents to build a business.
SouleMama: How does the balance
of work and family happen for you?
Randi: Lately I feel like I am juggling to many things, not really doing my best at any of them. A month from now my older daughter will be coming to work with me which will be immensely helpful and well as a dream come true for me. I am one of the moms who love the company of her kids. They are my best friends.
For today's giveaway, Fresh-Squeezed Fabrics is offering to one winner:
"I am giving away this adorable jacket pattern plus the fabric required to make it. The pattern fits up to size 5. This jacket is a perfect light cover-up for fickle spring weather."
In addition, Fresh Squeezed Fabrics is offering a 10%
discount on regular-priced items, and 25% off all already-marked sale items. You can send a conversation through Etsy for Randi to set up a listing for you with the correct pricing, or you can place an order as usual and she will refund you through Paypal. Use the discount code "soulemamaspring" when contacting her regarding this sale. Discount is good through Sunday, May 30th!
Thank you to Fresh-Squeezed Fabrics!
To enter, please leave a comment in today's post (one entry per person, please). Due to the holiday weekend, comments will remain open until Monday evening. Comments closed! The winner is...
this would look so sweet on my girl!!
Posted by: esther jane
Posted by SouleMama on May 30, 2010 in sponsors | Permalink | Comments (995)
Today, I am pleased to tell you about our sponsor Hip Mountain Mama! In the words of Mama Suzy:
"Hip Mountain Mama is a family business that specializes in hip products
for natural mamas, their families, and homes. We carry many green, eco-friendly,
natural, and unique products."
Keep up with all the Hip Mountain news with the Hip Mountain Mama Blog and environmental blog, One Small Change.
Suzy: I have been passionate about living a natural lifestyle for many years. I discovered that there are many shops that sell natural kid products but I wanted to open a shop that sold natural toys and fun and unique products for moms.
SouleMama: What were you doing before this work?
Suzy: My degree is in Sociology. I worked with adjudicated youth in both a juvenile detention center and in an outdoor nature program. As you can imagine this was difficult work. I chose to take some time away to give birth and raise my two daughters. I was a full time stay at home mom for 4 years before my desire to start Hip Mountain Mama took over.
SouleMama: How do you avoid burnout and keep yourself motivated?
Suzy: The beauty of the online business is that the work is pretty flexible. I rarely get burned out because I can schedule my work around our lives. We take many breaks to go for afternoon hikes, spend time by the river, take the kids to a park, or to just sit in the sunshine. My family's love of nature seems to inspire and rejuvinate all of us. It is easy to stay motivated because I love my work and truly believe in the mission of our business.
SouleMama: How does the balance of work and family happen for you?
Suzy: Obviously it isn't easy, but it helps a lot that my husband quit his corporate job last November to join the business. With both Mom and Dad working from home we can get the work done and still have a lot of fun. The key is good communication. We all have to know what everyone else needs or wants.
For today's giveaway, Hip Mountain Mama is offering to one winner:
a $50.00 gift certificate to Hip Mountain Mama!
In addition, Hip Mountain Mama is offering a 10% discount on orders over $50 until May 31st. Use code "soulem" at checkout.
Thank you to Hip Mountain Mama!
To enter, please leave a comment in today's post (one entry per person, please). Due to the holiday weekend, comments will remain open until Monday evening. Comments closed! The winner is...
I'd be delighted to win! Thanks!
Posted by: Carrie @ Oh Baby O
Posted by SouleMama on May 29, 2010 in sponsors | Permalink | Comments (897)
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
Wishing you a lovely weekend!
*** ***
Posted by SouleMama on May 28, 2010 in photo projects | Permalink | Comments (152)
These past weeks since summer arrived (oh boy, has it arrived!), I've been noticing Adelaide reaching for the same dresses each morning. Much to my delight, it's a mama-made, and one I really love making - the Smocked Dress from Heather Ross' Weekend Sewing. (I wrote about one of them I made here, and apparently the others never quite made it to the blog.) The beauty of girls dresses, of course, is that even though those are quite short this summer, they totally work as shirts, or tunics with a pair of shorts or pants. But I thought a few new dresses to replace them in the longer length would be nice too.
That's just what I did with this sweet, sweet Liberty Arts (by Rowan) fabric I picked up from Alewives. And then another was made with a favorite vintage piece I've had tucked away for a few years now (left in the top photo). This dress is such a satisfying sewing project - really quick and fun (and uses just one yard!) and clearly a hit with my girl. A success all the way around. I should note that we prefer doing straps instead of the ties, which makes it easier for her to dress herself (a very important detail!).
After the dress was made, she asked if I could make a kerchief for her head like the one I was wearing. (sometimes I choose sewing over a shower. Ahem). I remembered the sweet Babushka Style Scarf from Carefree Clothes for Girls and put that together quickly with much help from Adelaide. So fun. (The pattern is featured in the book, but also found for free on the MakeGoodBooks website.)
This year, Adelaide has taken it upon herself to be 'in charge of' the birds. She's the self-proclaimed Bird Girl, spending a good deal of time on their care, entertainment, housing and protection from any predators or rivals for food. I can't quite convince her that squirrels are not really an enemy. Taking photos of her in this dress while she was filling the feeders, she went from singing sweetly to the birds to strongly scolding the squirrels to "move along!!!" and other harsh words. Watch out, squirrels, I assure you that you don't want to be in this girl's way when she is busy with the work of her birds.
Posted by SouleMama on May 27, 2010 in sewing | Permalink | Comments (157)
Last week, we journeyed up the coast a bit and landed ourselves in Damariscotta, home to the Alewives fish ladder (among other lovely people and places in that sweet town). It's become nearly an annual adventure this time of year. The alewives (River Herring) spend their life at sea, but return to freshwater to spawn, quite literally 'jumping' up these ladders to get to their destination. We all think it's a rather amazing little feat of nature that we are lucky to witness when we see these fish. Not to mention all the birds of prey that hoover above. Lots to see and marvel at and wonder about. And so many unspoken life metaphors imagined. (Many more details about the alewives and the ladder restoration efforts can be found on the Damariscotta Mills Fishladder Restoration Project website. This coming weekend happens to hold a festival in the area in honor of those little fish!)
Our trip to see the Alewives also landed us in my favorite mid-coast fabric shop, of the same name. Alewives! It's tradition - that extra little bit of fabric shopping after seeing the fish. You can't mess with tradition, you know. (Results of that fabric fun to come tomorrow.)
An adventure involving my five favorite people, some yarn and some sticks, the ocean, a small miracle of nature, and ending in fabric? Well, those are indeed the makings of a perfect day's adventure.
Posted by SouleMama on May 26, 2010 in field trip, out-of-doors | Permalink | Comments (97)
I had just finished hanging these diapers out a few days ago, when I heard Ezra explaining to Harper about the racks "these are very special to Mama. They were her great, great, great, great grandmothers and they are very old." And that's sort of accurate. They were my great-grandmother's and yes, they are very special to me. I think they sat in waiting for two generations, until I stumbled upon them many years ago. Each and every time I hang laundry upon them, I am instantly connected to her, and I am so grateful for that.
A few months ago, I lost my outside clothesline in a storm. And these have been temporarily doing the job until I figure out a more permanent solution. I hadn't really thought about the bonus of them being so moveable, meaning that I can 'chase' the sun around with them through the day. Very helpful for the 'late' loads of laundry that get done around here.
Speaking of laundry lines, I'm on my second full month of homemade laundry powder, and so very happy with the results. I've long been using a lovely, local powder but with the amount that we go through, finally decided to give it a go myself. I really need to do the math to figure out how much money I'm saving by making our own - I have no doubt I would be thrilled. It couldn't be easier to make, really, and it washes quite nicely. (If you're used to a more conventional detergent, this will be a bit different in terms of stain removal. But there's nothing that a bit of vinegar or a soak in the sun doesn't take care of, I've found!) This is what I've been making:
2 cups (finely) grated castile soap*
1 cup borax
1 cup baking soda
1 cup soda ash (washing soda)
*(I love, love, love Dr. Bronners. One and a half .5 oz bars makes about two cups. So far, peppermint is everyone's favorite for laundry. So fresh.)
Mix everything together, and store in an airtight jar. Depending on your water, you might need to adjust the sodas a bit, and the amount used per load. I use 1/8 cup per load. You may need to give the jar a shake once in a while to prevent the soap flakes from settling to the bottom.
Posted by SouleMama on May 25, 2010 in recipes, tutorials, & tips | Permalink | Comments (278)
Our weekend involved a whole lot of...
bobby pins, sequins, costume changes, bravery, silliness, inspiration, endings and beginnings, and most of all....SO much dance recital fun.
The best part of all, now that it's all over? Our dress up pile (already full of dance costumes of years gone by) just got bigger. From stage to sand box and swing set, I can't wait to see what else becomes of these tutus and tuxes. Surely, I'll be seeing at least one at the dinner table tonight. The dancing has only just begun...
Posted by SouleMama on May 24, 2010 in family life | Permalink | Comments (85)
Today, I am pleased to tell you about our sponsor Naturally You Can Sing! Naturally You Can Sing is run by Sven, father to Aurora and Allegra. The Singing with Children series features the voice of Aurora and Allegra's mother, Mary Thienes-Schunemann, Waldorf Educator and musician.
Sven (and his wife Christina) keep a blog My Schunemann Family Adventures, "exploring the journey of Family life as it traverses step parenting of Children who have lost a parent from the perspective of someone who also lost a parent as a child."
In Sven's words:
"Naturally You Can Sing creates song books for children and families. The song books include CD's to encourage and promote singing for healthy and joy-filled child development. Our goal is to find new and wonderful ways to get people singing: to access the deep and wonder and joy which singing can bring into our lives.
As a small independent bookseller, Naturally You Can Sing has shipped in excess of 40,000 books worldwide - all just to get folks singing! The books have even attracted the attention of folk singing legend Pete Seeger who wrote the forward to the last edition of The Christmas Star."
Sven: Naturally You Can Sing was started in 1999 as (daughter) Aurora was making her way to this earth. She is now 10 and singing with the Marin girls chorus and loves to sing.
SouleMama: What inspired the beginnings of NYCS?
Sven: NYCS was started to help carry singing forward to the new generations....singing is an integral part of all healthy cultures, and it is a fun way to connect with our children and each other.
SouleMama: Do you have a favorite inspirational quote?
Sven: "If you can walk you can dance, if you can talk you can sing"
~ Zimbabwe
Singing with my children and now hearing them sing in their own right goes deep in to my heart.
For today's giveaway, Naturally You Can Sing is offering to one winner:
The twin CD set of "I Still Have Joy" - songs for healing and peace
In addition, Naturally You Can Sing is offering one free CD of "I Still Have Joy" with the purchase of any two Song books in the Singing With Children series. Expires 5/31/10.
Thank you to Naturally You Can Sing!
To enter, please leave a comment in today's post (one entry per person, please). I'll close comments and announce the winners by 8am EST on Monday. Comments closed! The winner is....
What an inspirational introduction. Thank you so much for the opportunity!
Posted by: Travis
Posted by SouleMama on May 23, 2010 in sponsors | Permalink | Comments (288)
Today, I am pleased to tell you about our sponsor Bella Luna Toys! Bella Luna Toys is owned by Sarah Baldwin, author, mama, and waldorf educator. In Sarah's words:
"Bella Luna Toys is an online shop offering natural toys, wooden toys, art and craft supplies inspired by Waldorf education. Bella Luna Toys is owned and operated by Sarah Baldwin, an experienced Waldorf early childhood teacher and author, who personally selects each item at Bella Luna Toys for its play and learning value. The collection of playthings at Bella Luna Toys is designed to nourish a young child's senses and inspire imaginative play.
I was very excited to unveil my new blog Moon Child a couple of months ago, on which I discuss Waldorf education, the importance of play, child development, natural parenting and more. When I took over Bella Luna Toys last September, I knew I didn't just want to have an e-commerce site, but I also wanted to share what I've learned as a parent and Waldorf teacher over the years, and to support parents of young children. Be sure to check out my latest blog post, an interview with Sarah Lee, founder of Sarah's Silks, maker of the wonderful product we are giving away today!"
Sarah: Last year, after more than ten years of teaching full-time in a Waldorf school, I was discovering that my two teenage boys needed me as much (if not more) than they did when they were younger. While I've always felt that Waldorf teaching was my life's calling and absolutely loved my time in the classroom, I was looking for a way to put my expertise and love for Waldorf education to use in a new way - one that would allow me to continue working to promote Waldorf Education in the world, but also give me more time at home. Just as I was pondering what new direction my life might take, I discovered that Bella Luna Toys, a company selling Waldorf Toys that was founded in 2002, was for sale. I jumped at the chance! While my background is in education and not in retail or business, I do know and love the products I am selling, having used them in my classroom or at home with my children for more than fifteen years. I am committed to only carrying items that I truly believe have inherent value to children and are of the highest quality. I'm learning a lot as I work to grow the business, and am enjoying every minute of it!
SouleMama: What were you doing before this work?
Sarah: After earning a degree in theatre and working as an actress in New York City for 10 years, I was introduced to Waldorf education shortly after the birth of my first child. I completed my Waldorf teacher training in NY in 1999, then moved to Maine to teach early childhood classes at the Ashwood Waldorf School in Rockport over the next ten years. I taught Parent/Child classes, Nursery and Kindergarten classes, and especially enjoyed working with parents. During that time, I also authored a book, Nurturing Chidren and Families , a guide on how to create a Waldorf-inspired playgroup for parents and children.
SouleMama: How has motherhood changed the work that you do?
Sarah: Becoming a mother 18 years ago was the single most transformative experience of my life. Everything changed in an instant! I think that most women experience a deep and profound transformation when becoming a mother for the first time, when one is suddenly required to put another's needs first, ahead of one's own. In spite of the hard work and sleepless nights, we discover the great spiritual lesson of giving, and the joy that service to others brings. Becoming a mother completely changed the direction of my life's work from pursuing an acting career to devoting my life to children--as a mother and a teacher--and to supporting families.
For today's giveaway, Bella Luna Toys is offering:
One Silk Canopy from Sarah's Silks ~ "a gorgeous ringed canopy of silk gauze, designed to hang and drape over a child’s bed, or to create a magical play space. At seven feet tall, the canopy will cover a twin bed. A silk canopy adds instant, beautiful decor to a child’s room. The winner will be able to choose one of five styles: Castle, Celestial, Snowy White, Rose Garden or Under Sea. View all six styles here. (Please note that he Lavender Canopy is temporarily unavailable.) Also, be sure not to miss the interview with Sarah Lee, founder of Sarah's Silks, posted this week on our Bella Luna Toys blog, Moon Child."
In addition, Bella Luna Toys has invited SouleMama readers to enjoy a 10% discount off orders of any size for the remainder of the month of May. Enter the promotional code SOULEMAMA at checkout. Expires 5/31/10.
Thank you to Bella Luna Toys!
To enter, please leave a comment in today's post (one entry per person, please). I'll close comments and announce the winners by 8am EST on Sunday. Comments closed! The winner is...
How cool! We love the castle, and are happy to find more waldorf resources!
Posted by: recycled+revamped
Posted by SouleMama on May 22, 2010 in sponsors | Permalink | Comments (776)
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
Wishing you a lovely weekend!
*** *** ***
Posted by SouleMama on May 21, 2010 in photo projects | Permalink | Comments (170)
I love making things with this boy of mine. He gets just as excited as I do with a 'making' challenge, and works just as hard at puzzling it all out. In this case, he desperately wanted a baseball bat bag. And while they're certainly inexpensive enough, I was struggling with making the purchase (perhaps because of that price tag. How is a bag made for twelve dollars?! I think we know the answer to this.) Thank goodness, when I suggested we try making one, he was happy with the idea, and thrilled at the challenge to figure it all out.
There certainly was some 'puzzling out' to be done. We wanted a sturdy, durable bag (ended up with duck cloth for fabric), with a lining, a zipper (we used a durable 'parka' zipper), adjustable straps, and all that jazz. Also a place for the glove, baseballs, and a water bottle. Oh! And he requested that we make the bat bag big enough so that when he plays in the major leagues (notice the use of 'when,' not 'if'....love that), it will still hold a larger size bat for him. Phew!
All that drawing-of-plans, and puzzling out, and fun teamwork totally paid off. The bag is a success! I'm thrilled I didn't have to buy something I didn't love the values/workmanship of, but most importantly, thrilled that we were able to do this together. Really, really thrilled. I so treasure the time we spend making things together, perhaps even more so the older and more independent they get.
Sadly, this bag and my sweet baseball-lovin' boy made it to just three games this season. At the fourth game, Calvin broke his hand when a fast and hard pitch came his way at bat. For someone who lives and breathes baseball and looks forward to this season all year long, it's been a bit of a blow for him that his season is over so soon (just after making the 'big' leagues!). It's one of those moments where this Mama would very much like to give him a kiss and pop him in my sling and make everything just right. Ah. But such is growing up.
So this bag sits waiting and ready for when his hand is (fully!) healed, and for when he's ready to get back in the game (well, that's now...perhaps when his doctor is ready for him to get back in the game would be more accurate). Thank goodness we made it big enough for the Major Leagues, you know, because that's his plan. This is just one short season of rest. He assures us that there's a lot more baseball to be played.
Posted by SouleMama on May 19, 2010 in crafting with kids, sewing | Permalink | Comments (138)
Remember these? Oh, they might be my favorite pieces of clothing little Mr. Harper Pie wore during his first year. I loved those vests. He wore them a lot. The red one was knit following the original pattern, and fit for the first four months or so (Ravelry notes here). The white was knit with two strands of sportweight held together and fit from about six months to eighteen months (Ravelry notes here).
But this baby of mine won't stop growing! He's a year and a half old already! Good gracious. Time for a new vest.
This one was knit following the original pattern, but this time with two strands of worsted weight yarn held together throughout, knit on a size 9 needle (Ravelry notes here). The yarn came from last year's Common Ground Fair visit, though unfortunately, I can't remember the farm. It is plenty big for my one-and-a-half-year old little guy, and I think will fit well through his second birthday. Success!
I am so glad there's a new Pebble on the shelves! (And on that tummy!)
Posted by SouleMama on May 18, 2010 in knitting | Permalink | Comments (124)
Whenever we encounter little bumps along our journey, or when a curve ball comes our way, or when we have something to celebrate....or, just because....I try to remember how important it is to drop everything and head to the shore. When we do so, it never fails that we all return home with everything we need. This adventure was no exception.
Wishing you all you need to start your week!
Posted by SouleMama on May 17, 2010 in out-of-doors | Permalink | Comments (145)
Today, I am pleased to tell you about our returning sponsor, BayanHippo Handmade! BayanHippo lives and works in Turkey, but ships all over the world. You can follow along with the BayanHippo story on the blog, or check in on Vildan's new website. In Vildan's words:
"At BayanHippo Handmade, I have had an etsy shop since 2008 and I have been designing a variety of bags/purses for women (and unisex) by using the best materials and workmanship. My goal is to always provide the best material and workmanship with reasonable prices and great service. That is the reason my shop, BayanHippo has many repeat buyers. Once my buyers receives my products, they see the difference and come back for more. Customer satisfaction is very important for Bayanhipppo."
Vildan: 24 hours is not enough most of the time, I have been working so hard to keep up with everything but I always find time to be with my twins and my family. I always feel energized when I spend play time, story telling time with my two sweethearts.
SouleMama: How does the balance of work and family play out for you?
Vildan: I have a great family and we all live close by, it is great to know and feel that all my family members are with me and giving their love and support.
SouleMama: How has motherhood changed the work that you do?
Melanie: I started by business after I became a mother. I could not find things that fit my needs for my twins (like bags!). When I could not find it, I decided to make my own. This is the great connection to be in the same shoes with other mothers, with this I know what mothers really need and design the products in this way.
For today's giveaway, BayanHippo Handmade is offering the following (as seen above):
a Frilly Bag, in Khaki. Zippered closure.
a Nagy Bag, in mustard, size Medium.
In addition, BayanHippo is offering a 10% discount for SouleMama readers through the end of the month! To redeem, enter 'soulemama' at checkout (discount will be refunded).
Thank you to BayanHippo Handmade!
To enter, please leave a comment in today's post (one entry per person, please!). I'll close comments and announce the winners by 7:30am EST on Monday. Comments closed! The winners are...
For the Frilly Bag ~
Beautiful craftswomanship. Thank you both, Katie.
Posted by: Obaitori Spiritual Mothering
For the Nagy Bag ~
Hey! I loved these bags - very chic and bohemian!! Love love love!!! Crossing my fingers!!!!
Posted by: Luc
Posted by SouleMama on May 16, 2010 in sponsors | Permalink | Comments (834)
Today, I am pleased to be telling you about a new May Sponsor Modern Organic Fabrics! You can follow along with the Modern Organic Fabrics blog for patterns, tutorials and life story here. In Melanie's words:
"Modern Organic Fabrics is an online fabric shop featuring organic cotton fabric in beautiful colors and patterns. Find designer quilting cottons, high-quality sateens and luxurious knits. Also, plenty of sewing patterns, including Ottobre Design magazines."
Melanie: I have been in business since September 2009.
SouleMama: What inspired you to start your business?
Melanie: I very much wanted to "quit my day job" and work at home. I was working evenings as a waitress, a decision made by my husband and me to avoid babysitters and daycare. I would be home during the day and he would be home evenings. It was difficult as we were rarely together as a family unit. I really, really wanted a job that would allow me to work from home. Waiting tables can be stressful and tiring and oftentimes I worked quite late. I felt like I was always tired in the morning and had to cut days short to get ready for work in the afternoon.
At some point I discovered craft blogs and I was immediately inspired. I thought, "I can do that!" My sewing skills weren't to the point where I could create items for sale, so I immediately thought about selling fabric online, inspired by many of the wonderful online shops already out there. I have a background in marketing, so I did quite a bit of research. I soon realized that there were a lot of fabric shops online and they were doing a fabulous job of serving the market. I decided instead to start a blog about fabric, called The Fabric Shopper. I felt what was really needed was a way to round up information about fabric and places to find it. The blog was (and is) a hit, but it was a lot of work.
When Cloud9 Fabrics came out with their first line of organic quilting cottons, I felt like I had found my niche. I knew that more lines were in the works from other companies and there would be enough stock to create an organic-only fabric shop. It was such a light-bulb moment for me because it represents my love for living life as eco-friendly as you are able and it would allow me to quit waiting tables and work from home. I also put The Fabric Shopper up for sale because I could no longer keep up with it, but it had such a wonderful fan base. There was a lot of interest and I sold it to the lovely Rosanne Nevius who has really taken it to a new level and is very passionate about the topic.
SouleMama: How does the balance of work and family play out for you?
Melanie: This can be tricky. I love being able to work from home, but I do sometimes feel guilty when I have to work and the children want attention. My girls are ages 9, 5 and 3. I do my best to balance time for them and time for work, but I don't really have a set schedule. My business is such that there are days when I'm really busy and have a lot of orders and days when there is very little going on and I can do more with them. I do try to devote time to sewing, blogging and other social media as well. My "office" is the dining room table, so I'm in the middle of the house and always with them while I'm working. They often "help" me as well. Some days it can seem very overwhelming, other days are easy. I feel that my girls need to know that my work is important and that they are important. When I waited tables I often wondered what I was teaching my girls about work by going to a job I disliked (not that there's anything wrong with waiting tables if you enjoy it, it's just that I did not). I like being an example to them of being able to do what you love. But life is never perfect and some days the dishes are piled in the sink, the laundry is mounded in baskets waiting to be folded and the girls need to entertain themselves outside in the yard or inside with paper and scissors. That's life, you do the best that you can :)
For today's giveaway, Modern Organic Fabrics is offering the following to one winner:
a $50 Gift Certificate to be used on any items in the shop!
In addition, Modern Organic Fabrics is offering a 10% discount for all SouleMama readers! To redeem, use discount code: SouleModern. Offer expires 5/23/10.
Thank you to Modern Organic Fabrics!
To enter, please leave a comment in today's post (one entry per person, please!). I'll close comments and announce the winner by 7am EST on Sunday.Comments closed. The winner is...
I'm loving the blues!
Posted by: violingirl
Posted by SouleMama on May 15, 2010 in sponsors | Permalink | Comments (1084)
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
Wishing you a lovely weekend!
*** *** ***
Posted by SouleMama on May 14, 2010 in photo projects | Permalink | Comments (177)
I think one of my most important responsibilities as a parent is helping my children to be good communicators - of their own needs, as listeners to others and very importantly - how to peacefully negotiate the conflicts - big or small - that they come upon in their days. Certainly, this task requires my energy each and every day. Throughout the day. As people - each with their own unique needs and personalities - have been added to our family....or as their circle of peers and community widens with their age....this work only grows. There are lots of things we do, and share, and learn and model to 'keep the peace,' but sometimes, I think they come up with the most creative and perfect of solutions themselves...
A few weeks ago, on this particular afternoon, my boys were headed down the path. A perfectly normal, everyday occurrence in the life of little ones at home. Light arguing (about what, I cannot even remember, though I would venture to guess that it was either baseball, greek gods, or who should clean up their bedroom) led to increased intensity as it went back and forth and on and on. Fists were not (yet) raised, but voices were, and no one was backing down. From across the room, I was thinking it was just about time to step in and help them out. And then...in the midst of the yelling, I heard, as completely random to the conversation as could be, Ezra say:
"Yeah, well, the truth of the matter is that John Adams was a Federalist!"
And that was that. Silence. Followed by laughter that cut the tension and made the argument at once seem unimportant and disappear.
And so, I'm really hoping I remember this one. That the next time I'm in a heated conversation, or headed down an arguing path that has no end, I hope I can remember.
Because the truth of the matter is...John Adams was a Federalist.
{A few of our favorite 'peace' books can be found here.}
Posted by SouleMama on May 13, 2010 in family life | Permalink | Comments (125)
{I'm excited that this might be the start of a new once-in-a-while series around here - taking you with me to some of my favorite spots around this town I love so very much. For all the photos that I take, I have this silly little shyness about taking photographs out in the world beyond my peeps. Partly because I try to be mindful of other people's space and privacy, and partly because I'm just plain shy. There's nothing like sticking the big appendage of a camera on one's nose to draw attention to oneself, you know? So yeah, this might be a fun, new, good growing kind of thing. Though, true confession, Steve took almost all of those photographs above (because he's nice like that), and so scratch everything I just said. Next time....}
158 Benjamin W. Pickett Street
South Portland, Maine
Do you have places in your world where you are always met with a flood of memories of times past? That happens for me here. I'm met with not only awesome food (um, really really good stuff), but sweet memories too.
Nine years ago, as a twenty-four year old new Mama, I spent a lot of time at this sweet spot. We lived nearby at the time, close to the very neighborhood I grew up in, actually. I was a young, new and sometimes a little bit lonely Mama trying to find my groove. It was the spring that my baby was just a wee little one that I heard about this new little neighborhood bakery right nearby, and it wasn't long before it became a place he and I loved. When my husband would leave for work in the morning, I remember looking at this infant in front of me in puzzlement. I loved being a mother, I felt more 'me' being a mother than I ever had in my life, and yet I was perplexed by my new role too. What were we to do all day? Who was he? Who was I? More often than not, when these questions appeared, or when the tears came (his or mine), or when boredom struck or chaos hit.....we walked. With my chubby, bald, beautiful, intense, smiley baby boy, I walked and walked and walked. I would pop him in the sling, or in the stroller, and we would walk along the shore (ever so grateful to be living by the shore). Many of these walks, on more days that not, we ended up at 158 Pickett Street (One Fifty Ate back in the day). There, on the comfy couches, I hugged my caffeine, I read while my baby slept on my chest, or I just sat and watched and listened to the adult conversation I was so craving at the time. Soon, as I began the work (oh, it is work new mamas - hard and important work) of finding community, this very spot became a gathering place for meeting with new, like-minded mama friends and their babes. Friendships were formed, community was created, and babies were born and added to the crowd.
Eventually, we moved away. First, very (very) far away into the North Woods and then a little bit closer. Close enough that now we can visit every so often. Our visits now are in many ways so different than they were those years ago. With now a slew of little ones (okay, just four), the visits here have changed to a more rushed and energized pace. And with the increased energy of the place itself (because it's just so yummy and now everyone knows that), the space has had it's own flurry of changes too. And perhaps most powerful to me of all - nearly a decade of time, growth, and settling-into-myself has ensued. Lots of life has happened.
But oh, how I do love it when we visit now. The friendly vibe and familiar faces remain the same, the shore-side hometown locale brings me peace, and I'm comforted by these memories and the way they transport me back to those magical, challenging, transformative, wonderful and precious early days of our family.
Not to mention they really do have the yummiest bagels in town.
Posted by SouleMama on May 12, 2010 in field trip | Permalink | Comments (188)
I finally, finally finished my hourglass sweater (from Joelle Hoverson's Last Minute Knitted Gifts). It's been on the needles for well over a year, I do think. Surely, I've finished three (or more?) sweaters in that time, but for some reason, this one lingered on the needles.
It's knit with what quite possibly may be my favorite yarn. It's Terra by The Fibre Company. It feels so good. I made a few adjustments in the pattern. Though I've lost all my notes, I think I cut out the short rows (or added them? Hmn.), lengthened the sleeves, made the sleeves narrower at the shoulder, and definitely lengthened the yoke (by 8 rows, I do remember that).
For something that took so long, and that I was so wishy-washy about knitting in the first place...I love it. The very things I was worried about with this sweater - that it would be shapeless and plain - have ended up being the very things I love most about it - that it's comfortable and versatile and easy. How lovely when that happens.
It's fast on it's way to becoming my favorite knit-by-me sweater. So much so that I was feeling a little sad at the timing of it's completion. It is nearly summer, after all, and the thought of having to wait until fall to wear it again was a bit of a bummer.
{The bag I'm guessing you'll ask about is by Nikki McClure, and found at Buy Olympia.}
But, scrolling through the photos on my computer from the past week proved quite the opposite. It seems that not only have I been wearing this sweater, but I might not have taken it off. At all. Baseball games, dance rehearsals, out in the garden...everywhere I go. It's warm and soft and cozy and comfortable. I love it. It's my summer night sweater, and it's fast on it's way to becoming my favorite.
Tell me, what's a favorite thing you've knit for yourself?
Posted by SouleMama on May 11, 2010 in knitting | Permalink | Comments (150)
The backyard violets have been more than just gracing cakes at home this spring season. There's violet syrup in the fridge. And...now we have jam too! I'd never made - or even tasted - violet jam until last week. But all those pretty purple flowers (that Adelaide can't stop herself from picking) were calling out for something more. And well, there is that early-in-the-season canning/preserving bug that's calling out to me often, but there's so much time before berry season to go! So my eyes have started to wander to what might be around right now to make. Sweet violets!
All violet flowers are edible, but some are sweeter than others. There's some debate on whether what we have in our yard is actual sweet violet - Viola Odorata (what Mama thinks), or just regular 'wild violets' (what my boys think after consulting their favorite foraging books). Regardless of which kind they may be, we all do agree that they're quite tasty. (A little bit more about sweet violets here and their health benefits here.)
So the jam. I couldn't find a recipe that I liked at all. I really wanted to use honey, and just start with a little bit of flowers. So we kind of played around with the numbers and some other jam recipes I love, and came up with our own. It was yummy. Really, really yummy. And purple! And pretty! It's got a lot going for it in my book.
Trickier than coming up with a recipe for the jam was deciding what to serve it upon. We tried a whole lot of crackers and breads and scones in our search for the perfect match. (Days of eating baked goods topped with jam - such a tough job!) In the end, we decided that 'light and flaky' was best of all, so these Parmesan Cream Crackers were made, topped with a bit of cream cheese, and our violet jam.
So good. And a very, very sweet start to another season of jam, I do declare.
Violet Jam
1 (packed) cup violet blossoms
1 cup water
juice of one lemon
1/2 cup honey
pectin (I used 1/3 of a Pomona's box)
Blend violets, 1/2 of the water and lemon juice. Heat remaining water and honey in a saucepan. When warm, add pectin and stir until mixed well. Add pectin/honey mix to blender. Blend again until smooth. Place in jars immediately to set. I froze the jars we didn't eat/share right away.
Posted by SouleMama on May 10, 2010 in food & garden, recipes, tutorials, & tips | Permalink | Comments (137)
Today, I am pleased to be telling you about our sponsor Sweetgrass Natural Fibers! (You've seen a bit of my own Sweetgrass favorites here recently.) Sweetgrass is the work of mama and business owner Paige. In her words:
"Sweetgrass designs and produces comfortable and stylish natural fiber clothing made from hemp, bamboo and organic cotton. All our clothing is made in the U.S.A."
Sweetgrass: I began sewing polar fleece hats and accessories in 1994. I was 25.
SouleMama: What inspired you to start your business?
Sweetgrass: At a local handcrafter's co-op where I rented a space and sold my things I was turned onto hemp and it's many beneficial uses. The marriage of designing clothing and using sustainable materials just happened spontaneously. For the first time in my life I felt like I really knew what I wanted to do and Sweetgrass was born.
SouleMama: What inspires you?
Sweetgrass: People, nature, color, texture and design....and the place where they all meet in individual style.
SouleMama: Do you have a favorite inspirational quote?
Sweetgrass: Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, and magic in it. Begin it now." ~ Goethe
SouleMama: How does the balance of work and family play out for you?
Sweetgrass: When I started my business long before I had a family I thought being self employed would be the ideal situation for having both a career and a family. So I set out to build a business that would support me and let me take the space I needed to raise my children. Well 10 years later, when I finally had my son, I found myself not only trying to manage new motherhood, but also a handful of employees. So after the first year my son ended up in childcare while I took care of my "other baby". I found myself struggling with never having enough time or energy for either work or family. Well the universe took care of my ongoing struggle by presenting me with the twins I'm expecting in October and that reality has forced me to re-evaluate what I set out to do in the first place. For me that means going back to a smaller home-based operation where I hope that simplifying will create a better flow in life. We shall see....wish me luck!
For today's giveaway, Sweetgrass Natural Fibers is offering the following to one winner:
a $50 Gift Certificate to Sweetgrass!
In addition, Sweetgrass is offering a 10% discount for all SouleMama readers through the entire month of May! To redeem, use discount code: soulemama10. Offer expires 5/31/10.
Thank you to Sweetgrass Natural Fibers!
To enter, please leave a comment in today's post (one entry per person, please!). I'll close comments and announce the winner by 8am EST on Sunday. Comments closed! The winner is....
Yay! I'm off to check it all out! XXxx.
Posted by: Bex
Posted by SouleMama on May 08, 2010 in sponsors | Permalink | Comments (704)
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
Wishing you a lovely weekend!
*** *** ***
Posted by SouleMama on May 07, 2010 in photo projects | Permalink | Comments (149)
...like cake on a Wednesday afternoon. Just because.
(Honey Cake from Apples for Jam. Violets from my kids and the Earth. Silver and china from the thrift shop. Linens from my sewing machine. Life is full of simple goodness.)
Posted by SouleMama on May 06, 2010 in food & garden | Permalink | Comments (145)
I've been popping into thrift shops with great frequency of late for one thing and one thing only: chapter books. My boys are zipping through them faster than I can keep up with - Boxcar Children, Hardy Boys, the Narnia series and on and on. With a price tag of 10-49 cents a piece, the thrift shop is our favorite place to pick them up (besides the library, of course).
I've been rather avoiding the rest of the store though, of late. We seem to be quite set for clothes and dishes, and well...with all the people in our little space, I try to be mindful of how much I bring home. There is not space for much more around here. And more importantly, we don't need anything right now. (Except for that thrifted replacement cuinsinart miracle I'm still hoping for.)
We most certainly don't need another typewriter.
But, you see, I recently found myself on the way to those book aisles at a local thrift shop. Out of the corner of my eye, I spied this little number and it just kind of sang out to me. You know that feeling? It made me happy, this sweet green stout typing machine. I smiled at it and walked on by. And I wandered to the books, where I browsed and thought about it a little bit more. I picked up a few Hardy Boys, a few more National Geographics for kid collage work, and well...on my way to the checkout, I found myself standing squarely in front of this typewriter again. Smiling. I kind of couldn't stop smiling at it.
Fancy that.
You know the rest of the story. She's home with us now. There isn't a television in our house, and no one cares much about the computer (besides Mama)....but these little typing machines are in daily use with all the newspapers and stories and notes that are written around these parts. These machines are so used and loved. Is it really so extravagant that everyone have their very own vintage typewriter? Perhaps not so much.
Sometimes all the logical thinking in the world can only take you so far. Sometimes 'just because we love it' wins out.
There's only one problem as far as I can see. I have four children. Um, we might need just one more.
Posted by SouleMama on May 05, 2010 in treasures found | Permalink | Comments (270)
Posted by SouleMama on May 04, 2010 in out-of-doors | Permalink | Comments (123)
May greetings to you!
This weekend we all kicked off the coming seasons of harvest, baseball, and book-writing-free days. We are all so happy May is here!
{your lovely photos from The Creative Family Flickr pool. Click the image for photo credits!}
It slipped from my mention in this space here, but in the month of April, The Creative Family turned two! Perhaps it's silly to mark a book's birthday, you're thinking. But when you're making cakes for dogs and cats, why not say "Happy Birthday" to a project that was so near and dear for two working years of our life? Exactly! So, Happy Birthday, The Creative Family!
Last month, this book arrived in the mail. It's the Chinese translation of The Creative Family (next to the Korean edition and the original). Once we convinced him that he really was once that little, Ezra was beside himself with joy at being ALONE on the cover (there is much talk around these parts about who ends up on a book cover!). It's so interesting to me to see how the design and cover was changed up a bit. I love how they used Betsy Thompson's illustrations on the cover - so lovely.
As time has moved a bit since the beginning of our work on these books (it's been four years since I began work with the fine folks at Shambhala Publications/Trumpeter Books), it's been a pleasure to see them evolve into something else for our family. They're a record of our time and days together that I wasn't quite expecting. Looking through them now, we see all the events and things that were going on in our lives at the time, and we see all the growing these kids have done! The kids flip through them like a photo album, remembering projects and clothes and details that I don't always remember.
Our books all have a 'home' within our home right on this little shelf here. They're the Family Books - my books, the kid's portfolios, Blurb books we have made together, and my most treasured of books in all of the world - the books the kids write. Every single time I walk by this shelf, I cannot help but smile at the thought of Mama of Knit Knit, or Mr. Cooker, or any of the other books of theirs. Such goodness.
(In celebration of books, to clear some cobwebs from the shop (more to come in May!), and in honor of the most precious
of holidays coming up (Mother's Day, of course!), all book
orders in my Shop through the month of May will include an assorted set of my photo postcards
and envelopes.)
We have been working on our third book now for over a year - it's been a wonderful process we've embarked on once again - and even more so this time - truly, as a family. (I promise I'll be sharing more details on that book as soon as I have them.) Now with the bulk of the work behind us for a bit, I am greatly looking forward to other things. I have so many craft projects and great books to tell you about here, more Zimmermann to dive into, hopefully a Mama to Mama project soon, and oh, we have so many beach visits to make happen! Yes, May is here.
Wishing you all lovely days of May!
Posted by SouleMama on May 03, 2010 in my books & taproot magazine | Permalink | Comments (101)
Today, I am pleased to be telling you about our sponsor Sarah Jane Studios! Sarah Jane Studios is the work of Sarah Jane, whose blog you can find here. You can also follow her on Twitter and Flickr for free downloads, book reviews and musings from the life of an-artist mom of three little ones. In Sarah's words:
"Sarah Jane is an illustrator and designer who creates vintage inspired art for children that fits in with the modern home and nursery. If you have a soft spot for vintage storybook illustration, Sarah Jane's ETSY shop is the place where you'll be right at home with her fresh and original designs."
Sarah Jane: Sarah Jane Studios has been a business for 2 1/2 years as an ETSY SHOP but honestly, it is really just an extension of what I have been doing all my life. I was inspired to start my business after my 2nd child was born to help my husband through his Master's Degree. I was seeking vintage inspired artwork for my babes, but couldn't find anything that was original with colors and designs that weren't dated. I decided to create my own art prints for children which has since grown to become paper products, stationery and stitching patterns, and soon pillows. It's been a wonderful journey for our family as we've watched the business grow and change. I've since been contracted with Harper Collins to release a picture book next year, and that has been a fantastic branch which I hope to develop even more.
SouleMama: Has Motherhood changed the work you do?
Sarah Jane: Yes. As a children's book illustrator, I am very careful to always keep myself in check that my work never becomes about the work, but about the children. Having children with me all day and night is a wonderful reminder that motherhood has many branches, and my work is simply that: a branch. Allowing my mothering to influence my work, and my work to influence the way I mother has been a wonderful blessing.
SouleMama: How does the balance of work and family play out for you?
Sarah Jane: I have 3 young children and so burnout can happen very easily. Making sure that my body is healthy and as rested as possible is key for me...which is actually really hard with so many balls in the air. But the biggest key is making sure that my family comes first. When my children and husband know that the business isn't first, we all thrive. Things always feel off when work comes first...and then burn out is inevitable. I also stay really flexible. Some weeks I only work at night, and others I am able to work in the day when my children are content and willing to play around my work. There are of course the late nights and the days that are overwhelming and full. But truthfully, I am so passionate about illustrating for children that it keeps me going. And my kids love that I am an artist too. I have an art studio and they are welcome any time to come and draw on the floor (and soon the walls!) and that keeps allows me to feel I can create with them and not around them. My goal during this entire journey has been to keep it a secret that Mommy works. I try and keep it as integrated with family life as I can, and I segregate (working at night) the things that can't include the children.
For today's giveaway, Sarah Jane Studios is offering the following to one winner:
a $50 Gift Certificate to the shop!
In addition, Sarah Jane is offering SouleMama readers a FREE mother's day card in their order with the code SOULEMAMA. All orders of $50 will receive a FREE sketch book in their order as well. (Offer ends Tuesday, May 4th.)
Thank you to Sarah Jane Studios!
To enter, please leave a comment in today's post (one entry per person, please!). I'll close comments and announce the winner by 8am EST on Monday. Comments closed! The winner is...
WOnderful! Her illustrations are simply perfect!
Posted by: Sarah M
Posted by SouleMama on May 02, 2010 in sponsors | Permalink | Comments (849)
Greetings! I'm Amanda Blake Soule - mother of five, author of four books on family creativity, editor & owner of Taproot Magazine. I live with my family in an old farmhouse in Western Maine where we raise animals, grow vegetables and make lots of things. I write about it all here on the blog. Thank you for visiting!