Today, I am pleased to tell you about our sponsor Naturally You Can Sing! Naturally You Can Sing is run by Sven, father to Aurora and Allegra. The Singing with Children series features the voice of Aurora and Allegra's mother, Mary Thienes-Schunemann, Waldorf Educator and musician.
Sven (and his wife Christina) keep a blog My Schunemann Family Adventures, "exploring the journey of Family life as it traverses step parenting of Children who have lost a parent from the perspective of someone who also lost a parent as a child."
In Sven's words:
"Naturally You Can Sing creates song books for children and families. The song books include CD's to encourage and promote singing for healthy and joy-filled child development. Our goal is to find new and wonderful ways to get people singing: to access the deep and wonder and joy which singing can bring into our lives.
As a small independent bookseller, Naturally You Can Sing has shipped in excess of 40,000 books worldwide - all just to get folks singing! The books have even attracted the attention of folk singing legend Pete Seeger who wrote the forward to the last edition of The Christmas Star."
Sven: Naturally You Can Sing was started in 1999 as (daughter) Aurora was making her way to this earth. She is now 10 and singing with the Marin girls chorus and loves to sing.
SouleMama: What inspired the beginnings of NYCS?
Sven: NYCS was started to help carry singing forward to the new generations....singing is an integral part of all healthy cultures, and it is a fun way to connect with our children and each other.
SouleMama: Do you have a favorite inspirational quote?
Sven: "If you can walk you can dance, if you can talk you can sing"
~ Zimbabwe
Singing with my children and now hearing them sing in their own right goes deep in to my heart.
For today's giveaway, Naturally You Can Sing is offering to one winner:
The twin CD set of "I Still Have Joy" - songs for healing and peace
In addition, Naturally You Can Sing is offering one free CD of "I Still Have Joy" with the purchase of any two Song books in the Singing With Children series. Expires 5/31/10.
Thank you to Naturally You Can Sing!
To enter, please leave a comment in today's post (one entry per person, please). I'll close comments and announce the winners by 8am EST on Monday. Comments closed! The winner is....
What an inspirational introduction. Thank you so much for the opportunity!
Posted by: Travis