I finally, finally finished my hourglass sweater (from Joelle Hoverson's Last Minute Knitted Gifts). It's been on the needles for well over a year, I do think. Surely, I've finished three (or more?) sweaters in that time, but for some reason, this one lingered on the needles.
It's knit with what quite possibly may be my favorite yarn. It's Terra by The Fibre Company. It feels so good. I made a few adjustments in the pattern. Though I've lost all my notes, I think I cut out the short rows (or added them? Hmn.), lengthened the sleeves, made the sleeves narrower at the shoulder, and definitely lengthened the yoke (by 8 rows, I do remember that).
For something that took so long, and that I was so wishy-washy about knitting in the first place...I love it. The very things I was worried about with this sweater - that it would be shapeless and plain - have ended up being the very things I love most about it - that it's comfortable and versatile and easy. How lovely when that happens.
It's fast on it's way to becoming my favorite knit-by-me sweater. So much so that I was feeling a little sad at the timing of it's completion. It is nearly summer, after all, and the thought of having to wait until fall to wear it again was a bit of a bummer.
{The bag I'm guessing you'll ask about is by Nikki McClure, and found at Buy Olympia.}
But, scrolling through the photos on my computer from the past week proved quite the opposite. It seems that not only have I been wearing this sweater, but I might not have taken it off. At all. Baseball games, dance rehearsals, out in the garden...everywhere I go. It's warm and soft and cozy and comfortable. I love it. It's my summer night sweater, and it's fast on it's way to becoming my favorite.
Tell me, what's a favorite thing you've knit for yourself?