I think one of my most important responsibilities as a parent is helping my children to be good communicators - of their own needs, as listeners to others and very importantly - how to peacefully negotiate the conflicts - big or small - that they come upon in their days. Certainly, this task requires my energy each and every day. Throughout the day. As people - each with their own unique needs and personalities - have been added to our family....or as their circle of peers and community widens with their age....this work only grows. There are lots of things we do, and share, and learn and model to 'keep the peace,' but sometimes, I think they come up with the most creative and perfect of solutions themselves...
A few weeks ago, on this particular afternoon, my boys were headed down the path. A perfectly normal, everyday occurrence in the life of little ones at home. Light arguing (about what, I cannot even remember, though I would venture to guess that it was either baseball, greek gods, or who should clean up their bedroom) led to increased intensity as it went back and forth and on and on. Fists were not (yet) raised, but voices were, and no one was backing down. From across the room, I was thinking it was just about time to step in and help them out. And then...in the midst of the yelling, I heard, as completely random to the conversation as could be, Ezra say:
"Yeah, well, the truth of the matter is that John Adams was a Federalist!"
And that was that. Silence. Followed by laughter that cut the tension and made the argument at once seem unimportant and disappear.
And so, I'm really hoping I remember this one. That the next time I'm in a heated conversation, or headed down an arguing path that has no end, I hope I can remember.
Because the truth of the matter is...John Adams was a Federalist.
{A few of our favorite 'peace' books can be found here.}