{My copy of Handmade Beginnings by Anna Maria Horner, already stuffed full of pattern pieces!}
Surely, I'm not the first to say so, but I do believe that my friend Ms. Anna Maria Horner may be entirely responsible for a few new babies-of-sewists to be born in the coming months and years.
I mean, really now. Look at this (with a page mauled by my own baby):
Or this...
...or this...
...or this!
Or....just look at that beautiful family, or read her words to witness the grace, humor and cleverness with which she balances the many loves in her life. It's inspiring, I tell you.
Thankfully, I have my own hands full, and a little boy who I still call my baby - just small enough for some of the lovely things in Anna Maria's new book (though, I should mention that there's lots for Mama, home, and siblings in the pages too). I thought some new pants from this book might be in order - something a little different than the ones Mama usually makes. The Quick Change Trousers were just the thing. (shown in the book in the fourth photograph above). The 18 mo pattern size in the book worked out perfectly for Harper and will fit well through the coming fall and winter seasons.
At home, Mr. Harper Pie Smarty Pants is using the potty and so this easy elastic waist is perfect for him to be able to pull down quickly himself. (I know, I know. All of my babes have been early potty learners and I have no secrets, really. My only thoughts are that cloth diapers help them feel the wetness, and lots of naked time brings awareness? I don't know.) Speaking of diapering, I saw that Meg made some of these pants too, and mentioned adding a bit of width to accommodate larger cloth diapers - I would agree.
{signing 'more' for the blackberries to grow faster. I would like that too!}
This pattern is super fun for mixing and matching little bits of fabric. (I think my favorites might be the white summer weight linen paired with
Anna's own voile. White linen! On a baby! So silly and wonderful.) And I love that the cuffs make the pants adjustable for many months worth of wear in length.
And did you see that they're reversible? You'd think the designer has been around the block a few times or something...knowing a bit about babies and growing and dirt and all that jazz. Yup, it's true. I think Anna Maria knows just what she's doing. Thank goodness she shares some of that Mama wisdom with the rest of us.