This week, in our kitchen, we have....
:: enjoyed the season's first garden pesto!
:: been watching closely the tomatoes to come (last year was such a bummer of a tomato crop, but this year is looking hopeful!)
:: decided that I could have staggered the lettuce planting just a little bit more.
:: been enjoying all that salad, nonetheless (particularly with all the fresh thyme for my favorite salad dressing - Martha's Spicy Vinaigrette)
:: eaten (indian) takeout by candlelight when we lost power during a thunderstorm and I had no oven in which to make my planned-for-meal (and no, I was NOT starting up the woodstove on a 95 degree July day).
:: welcomed Mibuna into our house, and into our kitchen, for the very first time. We made Japanese Herbs Salad with Oranges and Cucumber, though I just heard this morning about using mibuna in pesto and must try that soon.
:: realized, as a mixed blessing, that I don't like boxed pasta anymore. Really, the fresh stuff is just so good and just so easy to incorporate making into our days. Not to mention a fabulous workout (seriously) while rolling the dough, and incredibly fun to mix in whatever herbs I might have on hand (last night was garlic and parsley). (I use the basic recipe in Art of Simple Food...tinkering with the flours a little bit more each time.)
:: picked up a pasta making attachment to my Cuisinart at the thrift shop, only to donate it back to said thrift shop one week later after deciding that I do like rolling it and cutting it out by hand best (and who wants to clean that machine out each time? Not me!)
:: tried our best to stay OUT of the kitchen in all this humidity.
:: taken to making dinner right after breakfast...because it's just too hot in there the rest of the day.
:: been enjoying tea popsicles, and thinking about Molly's.
:: made ice cream on more nights than not. Our ice cream maker was a holiday gift that I LOVE (more than words can express), particularly when paired with the recipes in The Perfect Scoop. (Tonight? Sweet Potato Ice Cream with Maple-Glazed Pecans.)
:: kind of avoided doing the dishes (did I mention that the kitchen is hot?). They're piling up a bit. Ahem.
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It's a busy place, this kitchen of ours!
What's going on in YOUR kitchen this week? (And do tell, what's your favorite hot weather food?)