:: cutting laminated fabric for Anna Maria's Multi-tasker tote
:: looking at (and tripping over) my 'scrap' fabric basket, and thinking it's time to share or...make a quilt. (Maybe both!)
:: gathering up the courage to dive on into this pattern. Those many lines (and the japanese) takes a bit of concentration.
:: finishing! a sweater!
:: packing my long-car-ride, into-the-woods we go knitting basket
:: searching for just the right pattern (keep your eyes focused on the silly vintage photos, not the dirty studio floor!)
...with many more details to come as things are finished, naturally. All good and fun things in the land of knitting and sewing...happening here and there when time is found or claimed, one little stitch, one little row at a time. Of course, some of these things may very well never be finished, but it's really about the day-to-day doing, isn't it? Yes, yes. I really do think so.
And you? What's in your workbasket right now?