Today, I bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Imagine Childhood. In Sarah's words:
"Imagine Childhood... a little nature... a little imagination... a lot of play. Toys, tools and activities for growing minds. Imagine Childhood is a family owned and operated company offering high quality environmentally conscious toys and activities that encourage exploration, creativity, and open-ended unstructured play.."
Follow along with the inspiring Imagine Childhood blog.
Sarah: Since it is a family business composed of two generations, working on Imagine Childhood has actually created many more opportunities for family creativity, collaboration and communication. From the projects that we create for the blog to the products we source for the shop, everything that goes into and comes out of Imagine Childhood is the result of the collective efforts of many diverse perspectives with similar roots... which can be a pretty amazing thing to experience together.
SouleMama: What's coming up next for you and your business?
Sarah: Currently we are putting the final touches on our theme for the holidays (and even developing some of our own new products to share!) which is a lot of fun, and we have just added a new member to our team! My sister Jordan will be using her experience in Journalism and Art History as well as her stint at Backpacker Magazine to add to the Imagine Childhood experience.
Where do you go to recharge?
Sarah: Simply put, any place where the only human noise I hear is my own footsteps and my shadow can share space with those of trees.
What's your favorite part of your job?
Sarah: My favorite part of this job is that I get to be a kid again. I spend much of my day trying to remember what it was like to pick up a magnifying glass for the first time... what it felt like to climb up so high in a tree that you could just sit there and let the wind move you back and forth... how big, expansive and filled with magic the world was before anything had a definition or a rule... And even though I have to perform all the “grown up” tasks that go along with running a business too, the simple fact that I need to put myself in the shoes of a child to do them well, makes this process one of the most rewarding I have ever experienced.
But perhaps by far the best part about this job, is that by visiting my childhood on a regular basis I have begun to see the world through those eyes again, to appreciate and celebrate all the simple, small and wonderful things that make up a day... a life.
Thank you so much Amanda for sharing this space with us today, you are always such an inspiration!
For today's giveaway, Imagine Childhood is offering the following gift:
"Today we are giving away a $100 gift certificate to one lucky winner!"
Thank you to Imagine Childhood!
To enter, please leave a comment in today's post (one entry per person, please). Comments will close on Sunday by 7am EST. Comments closed! Winner will be announced Monday morning!