Today, I bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor LüSa Organics. In Rachel's words:
"LüSa Organics handcrafts organic bodycare for babies, kids, mamas, and the rest of us. Created consciously with safe, nourishing, organic ingredients, all LüSa Organics products are guaranteed to be the best you've ever used.
Our natural lifestyle and parenting blog is called Clean."
Rachel: I spin wool. I knit. I sew. I make stuff. I drink a cup of tea or a glass of wine with my sweetie. I soak in our wood-fired hot tub. I take some mama timeand go to a Nia or yoga class, go thrifting, or take a long walk.
SouleMama: What's coming up next for you and your business?
Rachel: Shampoo bars and nipple balm! We're putting the finishing touches on a fantastic soothing nipple balm for new nursing mamas. And we've used our soaps for shampoo for years, but we've got a new shampoo bar in the works. What a simple way to kick that plastic bottle habit!
SouleMama: What's a typical day at work look like for you?
Rachel: Work is at home, so I wake with my kids and my work-at-home-partner. We make tea, breakfast, and usually a crafty mess before the breakfast dishes are even washed. Then I wander to the office (a corner of our home painted bright orange and purple) and get to work. Work for me is writing my blog, calling customers, clearing emails, and dreaming up delicious new body care ideas. Then part way through the day I end up back with my kids, playing outside, making treasures, and homeschooling. Every bit wonderful, every bit fun.
SouleMama: How has motherhood changed the work that you do?
Rachel: This is a fabulous question. Motherhood changes everything, doesn't it? Motherhood gave me the gift of freedom. I felt free to leap with both feet into my passion. That was one of the many gifts my first child brought to me. I didn't have the courage to quit my job and follow my true path until I was pregnant for the first time. For me quitting my job was a no-brainer. I wanted to be a mama, at home with my child. And by quitting my "real" job I was able to finally pour my heart into the passion that I had all along. I suppose it's that much more appropriate that LüSa is named for my kids (Lupine and Sage). Without becoming a mama I might still be sitting in that desk.
For today's giveaway, LüSa Organics is generously offering to one winner:
Reader's choice: Late Summer Survival Kit (Mint Organic Sugar Scrub, Gaia's Garden Soap, Citrus Lip Balm, and a Natural Bug Spray)
(cloth diaper safe!) New Baby Bliss Kit (Baby Wipe Juice, Booty Balm, Calendula Baby Soap, and magical Sleeping Potion).
In addition, Lusa Organics is offering a free regular size Booty Balm with every order over $50.00! Simply type 'soulemama free booty balm' in the comments field and they'll add one to your order. Offer expires August 31, 2010.
Thank you to LüSa Organics!
To enter, please leave a comment in today's post (one entry per person, please). Comments will close on Sunday by 8am EST. Comments closed! Winners will be announced Monday morning!