Today, I bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Susannah Conway of Unravelling e-course. In Kate's words:
"The Unravelling e-courses are designed to help you heal the way you see your self and your world, using photography and journalling to access hidden thoughts & dreams and encourage personal realisations, all in the safe space of a like-minded community. Photographer & writer Susannah Conway is your guide through this process, sharing her insights and wisdom gleaned from a five-year voyage through grief and healing. The original Unravelling: Ways of Seeing My Self e-course takes you on a photo safari into your own life to reconnect with who you are, where you’ve been and where you want to go next… And the new course, Unravelling: Living in My World, takes you even further into your everyday life, delving into your beliefs, your personal stories and your gifts, all through the healing power of photography and community."
Susannah: I lost my partner in 2005 and after a year of very intense grieving i started a blog and slowly began to put myself back together again. I'd studied photography at art school before spending many years as a journalist, and I found that blogging encouraged me to pick up a camera again. In 2008 I was working as a photographer when i was asked if i'd like to teach a workshop locally - I immediately knew i wanted to combine my philosophy of photography with the healing path... and Unraveling was born.
SouleMama: What's your favorite part of your job?
Susannah: Knowing that what I am doing is helping others gives me such a good feeling, especially when I'm having a down day or feel stressed. Being self-employed is always challenging because you have to wear so many hats and juggle so many balls, but being able to combine doing what I love with work that helps and inspires others is simply the best feeling in the world. I'm working seven days a week right now and I wouldn't have it any other way!
SouleMama: What's coming up next for you and your business?
Susannah: I'm currently working on my first book which will be coming out in autumn 2011 - so exciting! I'll be teaching a photography class at the Squam Art Workshops in September this year, and at the moment I'm running an informal (but fun!) blogging challenge on my blog called the August break.
For today's giveaway, Susannah Conway is generously offering to one winner:
a spot in the autumn session of my Unravelling: Ways of Seeing Myself e-course (starts Monday September 27th and runs for 8 weeks)
Thank you to Susannah Conway!
To enter, please leave a comment in today's post (one entry per person, please). Comments will close on Monday by 8am EST. Comments closed! Winners will be announced Monday morning!