My closet got a good and proper clean-out last weekend. As always, a few things made their way for donation, some things became cleaning rags, others were cut up for the fabric to use later, and this small little pile above was set aside for instant transformation...of the twirly girly kind.
Turning a skirt for Mama into a skirt for Ada is really the simplest of projects - one that can definitely be completed with a four year old standing over my shoulder asking, "is it done yet, Mama?" in a sing-song voice. (Repeatedly.)
It isn't a fancily stitched skirt in the least - if this is helpful, here's what I do:
Simply cut a few inches off the side seam (where the zipper is, if there is one). I stitched that seam together (and if there's a lining, sew that right together too - this is simple sewing at it's finest) trimmed the seam, and pressed it open. And then folded the top waistband over to create a casing for the elastic, leaving an opening through which to insert the elastic. (In cases where the skirt needed to be shortened for her, I first cut the extra length from the top to avoid having to redo the bottom hem.). Place the elastic in (sized to her waist, minus an inch), and close the casing opening.
And Voila - just like that - three new skirts for my girl.
It makes for a rather full skirt, generally (though that could be changed by cutting off more of the fabric at the sides). But 'full' is perfect...they're all the better for twirling in. And we ALL know how important the twirl factor is, now don't we? This fact is always true, but especially when you're almost five!
Almost five. Wow.