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Today, I bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Woodmouse Toys. In the words of owner Amber:
Amber keeps a blog about her family life, at Amber Dusick.
SouleMama: How long have you been in business?
Amber: I started selling wooden toys in 2007. However, I've only just recently returned to making toys again after being closed for a year. I closed my shop to focus on my family after my second son was born but couldn't stay away from designing toys for long. I'm thrilled and grateful to be back!
SouleMama: What's your favorite part of your job? The most challenging?
Amber: My favorite part of being a toy maker is knowing that my toys are unfinished when they leave my workshop. Once in the hands of a child they might be given personalities. Stories might be told with them or scenarios acted out. Maybe they'll be given names. THIS is why I make toys. The thought that something I make with my own two hands inspires a child's play makes me feel honored.
The most challenging part is finding time to do it all. I've designed over 150 toys and they will never make it into my shop at the same time. Since it is just me, there is a limit to how much I can make. A particular toy might sell and it will be many weeks before I have another one available. While I'm grateful to be busy it makes things like accomodating custom orders very limited which is unfortunate because I love to do them.
SouleMama: What inspires you?
Amber: Everything. Truly, when it comes to making toys I try to look at the world with the eyes of a child. Once I turn that on, everything is fresh and inspiring.
SouleMama: Where do you go to recharge?
Amber: Making toys is one of the ways I recharge actually. Cutting wood is very meditative for me and my mind wanders. The sound of the saw alone is calming. When I am creating something with my hands time doesn't exist. I leave my studio refreshed.
For today's giveaway, Woodmouse Toys is generously offering the following gift to one lucky winner:
a $100 shopping spree!
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Thank you to Woodmouse Toys!
To enter, please leave a comment in today's post (one entry per person, please). Comments will close on Monday by 8am EST. Comments closed! Winner will be announced by end of day on Monday.
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