A friend recently arrived with a surprise of housewarming gift for Adelaide. Remnants of another horse girl's childhood decades ago - a herd of horses. Adelaide's jaw dropped when the lid was opened, and she dove right in. She stationed a herd in her bedroom, one in the living room, and another in the barn. That was a few weeks ago, and we've hardly seen her away from them since, except for the quick appearances to ask for oats, a bucket of water, or carrots. Or to remind us, that even though she has these horses, and rides one each week for lessons, she'd still very much like a live one of her own. Here. In the backyard, of course. (And I think we'll be having this conversation for a few more years.)
The constant horse play reminded me of this fabric I've had tucked away for a little while. It's by Heather Ross, I believe from the West Hill Collection. I thought it might be just right for the bedroom curtain Adelaide was in need of. And I had just enough fabric to make a full curtain for her.
It works. She loves it. It brings her room one step closer to done (I've ever so carefully not photographed the corner full of boxes just behind me in this photo). And, so far, everytime I start to moan and groan about the other eleven sets of curtains I still need to make, I walk into this room, ever so carefully ignoring the boxes, and feel incredibly pleased with what's 'done'. And then we play with the horses.