note: I added a little postscript to yesterday's post for those of you wondering where things came from.
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I have a confession to make that slightly embarrasses the life-long, not-as-tough-as-she-thinks-she-is Mainer in me.
I'm cold!
The kids are still walking around just fine in next to nothing - ripping off the slippers, sweaters and pants I keep putting on them. And I'm chasing them in the long-johns I've been wearing everyday since October 1st (well, not the exact same pair), wool socks, sheepskin slippers, and layer upon layer of handknit sweater, shawl, handmitts and hat that I can find. Shivering. Under a blanket (whenever they let me sit still long enough).
It's impeding my productivity. And making me a little bit grumpy.
There's a woodstove coming (though, it's apparently taking the slowest boat ever from Sweden. Oh, please let it arrive soon!). Still, though. Even with that, and the 'new' windows in this house, and a few extra layers of insulation going in, and all the other weather-tightening we can do in this old house, judging by the number of layers I'm wearing on November 3rd, I'm thinking it's going to be a cold one.
Yesterday, I found myself alone in the house for several hours for the first time in a very long time. I was thinking about all the things I could get done in that time - the many emails I needed to catch up on, lots of endless cleaning, painting of trim, unpacking the last boxes, washing those white floors, woodstacking and more. Oh, the list went on and on. And I got grumpier, which reminded me once again just how very cold I was.
That's when it dawned on me, this huge revelation most important to my life right now: That the most important, essential and vital thing I could and should and simply must be doing right now, and any and all the time I possibly knit! More sweaters, more wool socks, more mittens, more shawls, more blankets, and certainly more hats.
And so you can see, given this important realization, that I had no choice but to spend those three hours alone in the house curled up under a blanket on the couch, with a hot cup of tea, in total and complete blissful silence...knitting.
The whole situation warmed me up immediately. In fact, I think it might just be a wonderfully warm winter, after all.