I do my best to ensure that all the sponsors I support (and that support me) here on SouleMama are in keeping with the values I write about, believe in, and live....while also supporting the many beautiful differences among us. More often than not, I have been a customer of these very shops, classes and offerings before beginning our Sponsorship relationship.
But certainly, sometimes I do not have all the information I could/should have and mistakes can be made. I thank those of you who share your related thoughts, experiences and information with me in gentle and informative ways. As a result, I have decided it best to part ways with a Sponsor here for the first time. All buttons, posts and links that were previously on SouleMama have been removed.
To clarify, I believe with all my heart that all people should be treated gently and with love - no matter how small. I stand in firm opposition to corporal punishment, and any organization that advocates such parenting practices.
I thank you for entering the giveaway held this weekend (that has been removed and will not be fulfilled), and for your understanding.
in peace,