Right Now, I am ...
:: moving slowly after yesterday's doozey of a day.
:: appreciating a made bed. (It really is the little things.)
:: planning to open every window in the house once again today just the second it gets above 30 degrees. Oh, sweet, fresh almost-spring air!
:: falling in love with the drip-drop, clink-clank sound of maple sap in the pails on sunny afternoons.
:: anticipating a little bit of a break today (thank you, Mama).
:: laughing gently at myself for declaring taking my husband to a post-op doctors appointment as a "break."
:: feeling grateful for having stocked up on watercolor paper, new bare books and markers before the surgery.
:: enjoying joining my babes in the art therapy play sessions. (I would never chose laundry over that one.)
:: remembering that early bedtimes, bubble baths, and papaya enzyme are a third trimester Mama's best friends.
:: hoping this day - for both you and I - is a smooth and gentle one. Let it start by being gentle with ourselves...