There's nothing like cleaning a big long-worked-on project off the studio table, or out of the basket, as the case may be. Suddenly, space is left in it's wake, and the possibilities for what comes next are endless.
A glance around my studio shows a flurry of beginnings, or re-starts in some cases. A few beginnings drawing my attention right now...
There isn't time in a human day to do all of these things, but oh, the dreaming and planning for beginnings is lovely, isn't it? I'm thinking about simple repairs, funky solutions, a spring quilt, sunny baby knits, easy breezy summery skirts. And more. Surely, the focus will narrow soon and something will grab all of my creative play time and attention, but for now...wandering around in beginnings is quite nice too.
What about you? How are you spending your creative play time these days?