right now, I am...
:: feeling so very grateful for all of your well-wishes for our family and the kind words of welcome for Miss Annabel.
:: healing and feeling well, with the help of some wonderful people around me.
:: holding this baby girl in my arms, always.
:: making room for all the siblings who want to give/take some love too.
:: remembering how to type with five fingers, eat with one hand, and speak with a little bit of cloudy, sleepy new mama brain.
:: marvelling at how big the rest of my babies seem...in comparison.
:: smelling lilacs in every room.
:: finishing last minute preparations for the newest arrivals soon to be buzzing here at the farm.
:: hearing a new chicken coop being built, vegetables being planted, new pigs in the pasture...and so much more happening all around our little world as Annabel and I begin to wake up (a little bit) from the fog of the first days.
:: wondering just how it is that my sweet husband is doing so much right now...with such grace and humor.
:: relishing every minute of this magical babymoon time in our family's life together.
:: hoping, on this Memorial Day, peace for those who serve and their families.
:: preparing to share this space for the coming weeks with some very special mamas I know and love. I think you're going to love what they have to say and show.
:: wishing you and yours a lovely day and a beautiful start to your week!