My family spoiled me in just the way I was hoping for this Mother's Day - there was nothing but mellow home and family time on the weekend schedule. (They know me well.) Two days full of snuggling, playing and eating together....sprinkled with planting potatoes, the gift of a clothesline in place, and lots of very active baby preparations by all.
I've been thinking a lot about this role of motherhood of late. Of course, it's something that's always on my mind - as I breathe and live it minute by minute and day by day. But there's something especially drawing my mind to it all this very month of May with the 'holiday' of Mother's Day, and particularly as I prepare for the both intense and beautiful earliest of days of birth and babyhood that are approaching. I feel full, and blessed...and humbled by this life I have chosen as a mother. And ten years into this gig, both the challenges and surprises together with the beauty and the magic...well, it all just keeps coming. Fresh and new in many ways - day after day. And year after year, I find myself growing braver, stronger, and more confident in my a Mother.
I've got a little something for you up my sleeve that I've been collaborating on with some dear Mama friends. For there would be far less joy and far less laughter would it not be for the tribe of Mamas - in the flesh or virtual - that we must draw around us to do this job with compassion and kindness for both ourselves, our partners and our little ones. I'm excited to share this little project with you here soon.
But not quite yet. For today and right now, I want to linger just a little bit longer in the world of handdrawn Mother's Day cards and gifts of sticky dandelions...and snuggles and "I love you's" in the four little voices that most melt my heart. Of course, all of that lovely lingering and all those magical moments will be sprinkled in between the dinner preparations, the laundry, bum and nose wipes, bandaid applications and trying to keep the peace among squabbling siblings. For that is just precisely how we Mamas do it.
With Mother's Day on my mind...I wish for all of us a community of people to support and nurture us, the patience and grace we need to move through our days with these precious little ones, the room to forgive ourselves when that's needed, and the eyes to see the blessings and the beauty all around us in our days as Mama.
Happy Day to you, friends...