{Baby Booties knit in Fibre Company's Terra. More details on my Ravelry page.}
Oh, there is so much to be done right now. My Before-Baby List fills a legal piece of paper and takes up a great deal of real estate on the refrigerator right now. There are seedlings to plant, bee boxes to put together before the bees arrive, recital costumes to finish hemming, meals to freeze, writing deadlines I'm behind on, housework that I've fallen way behind on too.....and I sure could use some of that wonderful pre-baby nesting energy I've come to rely upon in pregnancies past to get some of these things done.
But what am I doing instead of ticking things off that list of mine? I'm Sitting. (And knitting.) Booties, naturally. The all-important baby bootie. I don't dare tell you what number pair this makes for this little one's 'collection'...but rest assured that this summer babe will have his or her tootsies well covered each and every day in a new color and style. These things are important, you know. Oh-so-important.
That Terra just feels so good in my hands, and the thoughts of baby in my mind while knitting are lovely. And, perhaps most importantly, there is that powerful act of Sitting that acts as a magnet drawing those I love close by for a snuggle, or a book read, or a check-in and a chat. Which, now that I think about it, perhaps, is the most important thing I could be doing Before Baby, after all.
Which means I should just keep right on Sitting. (And knitting.) Right? I think so...