barefeet, bicycles, bruised knees, sandals, backyard camping, tea parties with dolls and cats, plants in the ground, sunshine, sandals, spring peepers, and marshmallows toasted over a fire...oh, now that was a spring weekend!
This first May weekend also brought about our first "it's too lovely to go inside for dinner!" evenings. Except that...we didn't have a table upon which to eat (one was left behind in the move and my dream wrought-iron table has yet to manifest itself on a thrifting hunt...but it will).
That problem was solved with a quick search in the barn for an old and not-in-use barn door (but not so old so that I needed to worry about lead paint), a layer of fresh white exterior paint (leftover from the floors), some tree stumps for legs, and we had ourselves a cozy little low-level sitting table just a few hours later. I made a few mismatched slip-on pillowcases (for easy washing) out of vintage tablecloths for ground cushions. And I dare say, we had ourselves a simply marvelous first outdoor spring dinner.
Ah, sweet, sweet May!