right now, I am...
:: remembering just how hungry newly nursing Mamas can get (says she who is eating a third breakfast).
::apologizing for the chaos of three 'new' posts, and an expired domain name this morning on SouleMama.com. Goodness! All will be straightened out soon.
:: telling you (because there were more emails and comments than I could answer) that in last week's {this moment} post, the hammock is by Nature's Sway (and yes, we like it very much), and the print is by Nikki McClure.
:: wearing my Moby all day long once again, holding Annabel right next to my heart and almost exactly where she was two weeks ago. Love.
:: planting the garden at the pace of a woman with a two week old baby on my chest and four children at my feet.
:: thinking we might be buying more vegetables than I originally thought this year.
:: knowing that's okay.
:: loving the random, simple moments of 'true love' that pop up in the course of a family day between older siblings and the new little one. It's enough to make a Mama melt.
:: wanting to make rhubarb something-or-other every single day. (This one was amazing, with a few modifications for all-rhubarb and less sugar.)
:: saying goodbye to lily of the valley and lilacs, and hello to poppies and iris'.
:: debating with Adelaide about how many kittens stay with us. She believes one kitten per person in the house is an apppropriate ratio. That's seven cats, people. Seven. (From left to right she's named them: Sally, Billy Blunt, Cloud and Rainbow.)
:: thinking four more cats is easier than the one horse she was declaring for the past nine months that she should receive, should Annabel have been born a boy.
:: giggling at my (older) boys forray into the world of early 90's hip-hop.
:: wondering how one little baby makes so much (more) laundry.
:: hanging the clothes on the line, loving the sunshine, and all the colors, shapes, stripes and sizes I see on the line. Even if - and perhaps especially because - it's the one chore I get done some days.
:: taking things slowly, noticing so much, and soaking in these days and my loves with all of my being.
:: enjoying the guest blogs of last week...and getting excited to share a few more this week.
:: wishing you a very lovely day!