Little miss Annabel has just turned one month old. It has been - without a doubt - one of the quickest, and yet most beautiful and memorable months of my life.
Nearly two months ago now, I found myself at the end of a pregnancy that had been more tiring and challenging than any of the others, and full of stressful surprises too. Our family was just emerging from a trying spring with Papa's surgery, and looking ahead to the busiest time of year on our new little farm. As we prepared for a birth, a newborn baby, and the growing needs of the rest of our little ones amidst such change...I knew we would need help. I knew that family would be nearby to whisk off a child or two when they (and we) needed a break. I knew that friends would come and carrying food and love and arms to hold a baby or fold laundry. We feel rich, indeed, in all of their help and love.
Overwhelming me still, was the work that I do every day here on (and behind the) blog, that I worried would be just 'too much' in such a time of family change. And so, one late night, feeling overwhelmed and a little worried, I had an idea. I nervously sent out an email to a dozen mama friends, asking for their help in sharing this space. It's always a little scary asking for help, isn't it? It is. But...each and every one of them - so busy in their own days and full lives - overwhelmed me with thier willingness. And then...their posts! Goodness. I had the pleasure of reading them nearly eight weeks ago now, and let me tell you that in those last weeks of pregnancy, their beautiful, inspiring, real, funny, and honest and creative words evoked so much emotion for me. An inspiring bunch, I tell you. And despite not having 'met' many of them in "real life," I was reminded of how very real these relationships can be, and are. I feel blessed.
{One would think from these photos that all Miss Annabel does is sleep! I assure you, that is not true. I'm thinking it's merely an indication of when my hands are free enough to hold a camera.}
As I've shared those guest posts here in this space each day during the month of June, I've felt full of gratitude all over again each time. For each post has been like an amazing meal delivered when we most needed it. Feeding my family, nourishing my soul, and keeping my energy and focus right where it needed to be. I humbly say 'thank you' once more to each of the lovely ladies who shared their words here in this space. Thank you, thank you.
I hope that you too have enjoyed all of these posts, and been as inspired by them as I have. If you missed any, or would like a re-read, you can read the series in it's entirety right here.
So. This first month. What have we been doing?
We have been home, for we carefully crafted a month with no scheduled classes, heavy work loads or obligations. We've been with each other, soaking up the newborn love, getting to know Annabel Edrie, adjusting to our new roles and treasuring these days as best we can.
I've been washing a lot of diapers.
I've been making a lot of popcorn.
I've been staring at this baby a whole lot.
I've been holding bigger babies who need an extra snuggle.
I've been feeling overwhelmed at the blessings around me.
I've been trying to sleep when I can.
I've been asking for forgiviness when weariness and sleep deprivation rear their grouchy head.
Yes, there have been many moments of chaos and awkwardness, challenging adjustments, tears and a whole lot of spit-up. But oh, even in those moments, there is love. So much love.
And so, I think we're doing just fine.
We've never quite taken a "babymoon" so fully as we've just done. But if there is one thing I have learned from five babies, it is the truth of just how fleeing this time is. Taking this time together, particularly with the fullness of all the souls we now are, was the most wonderful gift I could have imagined - for all seven of us. We are emerging from this time together stronger, full of peace, and more connected than ever as a family. As she turns one month old and begins to wake up a little bit to the world around her, I feel all of us ready to stretch out a little bit more to the outside world, too.
So here we are today, and I am so happy to be back here. I'm feeling a little rusty and definitely still post-baby/no-sleep/a little bit hormonal fuzzy-headed. I'm feeling grateful for the time of this first month, and oh-so-grateful to be here in this space once again. I missed it! And you! We have so very much to talk about, you know? We do...