The new girls in town have joined the older ladies by laying their first egg(s)! Calvin's Rhode Island Red's were the first, and just two days ago, the Americaunas joined in the laying fun with that lovely light shade of blue/grey shell. It's gorgeous. I'm in love with their eggs (even if they are smart and sneaky little chickens...flying over the fence like no other breed we have. And while we're talking breeds, can I mention how my love for the buffs have grown? They really are the gentlest, sweetest ladies of all, and such consistent layers to boot).
While Calvin readies his marketing materials (and plans his first Itunes purchases); and I plan the next quiche for dinner (and fawn over and photograph the lovely rainbow of colors in our egg tray); Adelaide is on day two of a stake-out in the chicken yard, determined to find out precisely which of the 36 birds out there are laying, and which 'first egg' belongs to whom. She's quite certain it came from the one she named Rooster. Naturally.
Well. Whether it was Rooster or Hat or Strawberry or Snowy or any of the others that only she can identify...we thank them for their gifts!