(photos from Hipstamatic...by myself and friends)
Right now, I am...
:: enjoying every last outdoor gathering/lunch/party/dinner/tea we can possibly host here before the chill brings us inside for a long while.
:: ecstatic that we pulled of a surprise party here this weekend, on perhaps the trickiest man to surprise in all my world (Happy 60th Birthday, Dad!).
:: feeling the pace of the late September days picking up, as we scramble to get outside work projects complete before the weather dictates otherwise.
:: harvesting, still, every single last tomato I possibly can.
:: wanting to never again buy ketchup. (Oh my gosh, it's soooo much better homemade! Harper knows what's up.)
:: riding the high from our very first honey harvest. It was crazy-awesome. (A full report to come soon!)
:: enjoying honey on my toast this morning.
:: holding off on starting up the woodstove for the first time this season.
:: thinking it won't be much longer, though.
:: grateful for "family" - both those we are born and marry into, and those we create with life-long friendships.
:: anticipating the newest release from Wilco in just a few days.
:: itching to do some knitting.
:: wishing my husband a very happy 11th anniversary today. Oh my, this ride just keeps getting better.
:: wondering how we can best work some steel (the 11th anniversary gift!) into our celebration today. Hmn...maple syrup evaporating pan? tractor accessory? a sink? Oh, the possibilities go on and on.
:: hoping your Monday is a lovely one, friends.