This week, in my kitchen, we have...
:: been oh so very busy as the garden produce comes pouring in, and I scramble to can, freeze, store, dry, and otherwise preserve as much as I can.
:: measured my days' work in pints, quarts, and bushels.
:: found humor in spending an(other) entire day in the kitchen preserving food, only to be too exhausted to make dinner. Hello, takeout pizza!
:: savored some of my favorite summertime lunches, knowing our days of enjoying them are fleeting.
:: added a shelf of Annabel's Applesauce to the pantry - straight up pure apple goodness (without the flavors and sweeteners we add to any other applesauce), knowing that likely before the next apple season, this little babe of ours will be eating (oh my!).
:: felt as though my cooking world changed with the addition of homemade canned (versus frozen) chicken stock. So handy!
:: decided that the Chicken Coconut Soup in Nourishing Traditions is the easiest, tastiest soup of all.
:: been embracing my 200 year old, dirt floored cellar for all the wonderful 'root cellar' qualities it has (despite it's, well, 200 year old "charm"), watching the humidity level each day, and filling the shelves with the season's harvest. There's a bit of finger crossing, too.
:: Celebrated, finally, Chechup day with Harper (we used the "Old Fashioned Ketchup" recipe from Well Preserved.), ending in a dinner of just "french fries" (our yukons tossed with olive oil and baked).
:: finally enjoyed RIPE watermelon we grew! (Though I still don't know what a "ping" or a "pong" is.)
:: wished that my kids loved zucchini fritters as much as their parents do.
:: with threat of frost at night (but not yet), brought in all the basil to make and freeze as much pesto as I can.
:: thoroughly enjoyed my copy of Baker's Notes, from my favorite local(ish) Bakery, and devoured each pan of brownies we've made from its pages. Harper likes it too.
It's a busy place, this kitchen of ours!
What's going on in YOUR kitchen this week?