A small pile of lovely Citronille patterns arrived a while ago, and I've been spotting them out of the corner of my eye each time I walk into the studio. Waiting, just waiting for the chance to dive on into them some more. This weekend, I gave Saskia a go. Considering I don't read the language the patterns are written in (which doesn't say much for all the french I took in high school and college, now does it?), I never quite know how it's going to go. But with a familiar word here and there, the diagrams, and a knowledge of basic (basic) garment sewing, it generally goes okay.
I love this little dress! Though, to call it a 'dress,' I think I'd actually make it longer next time. But by then, Annabel will be crawling and perhaps this really is the best length of all. Let's call it a tunic. With a zipper in the back and two sweet pockets. Because, you know, pockets are helpful for five month old baby girls. Maybe not, but surely adorable.
And just in case you were wondering, this is what a fifth baby looks like most of the time. Smothered in brand new dresses she doesn't really need but that her mother wants to make her anyway....with a whole lot of big brother and sisterly love and kisses on top. She's a very happy girl.