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Today, I bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Sarah Jane Studios. In Sarah Jane's words:
"Sarah Jane's shop is filled with sweet yet sophisticated art, play things, paper goods, gifts and embroidery patterns. Sarah Jane takes you to a world of childhood whimsy with her fresh, vintage inspired designs. Her products are meant to inspire you to make and create your own lovely spaces!
Sarah has just created a new online space to see her fabric designs, children's books, and keep in touch with all that is going on!
SouleMama: Tell us what you envision and dream for the future of your business?
Sarah Jane: I envision creating more options for parents to create with and for their children. I have never intended to create products for the sake of creating a product...but rather to inspire creative living amoung parent and child: fabric for making, books for reading together, paper dolls for playing together, stationery for writing together and art to inspire children's spaces! I love seeing mothers and children creating together, and I hope to continue to create products and designs to inspire that further!
SouleMama: What does a typical day at work look like for you?
Sarah Jane: My typical day starts at 6 am with a cuddly two year old telling me she wants to play horsies. I tell her it's still dark out side. Then she tells me she's hungry, and my day starts! Cuddles, family breakfast at the table, dressing for school, finding missing gloves and hats, family prayer, off to school, errands with the baby, laundry, email, dishes, email, laundry, phonecalls, lunch time, attempting to nap my toddler, art time, blog post, give up on nap time and let her have quiet time instead, prepare dinner, make after shchool snacks, pick up the children, snack time, homework, play time, welcome my husband home, make dinner, feed family, family time together reading, playing, wrestling, get ready for bed, read out loud from the current chapter book, bed time, check off some to-do's while the kids fall asleep, work out at the gym, come home...get as much art done as I can before I crash in bed...tired but oh so happy:)
SouleMama: How do you come up with new designs and ideas?
Sarah Jane: For me, coming up with new ideas isn't the hard part. My head is constantly spinning with colors, characters, stories, patterns, and designs all the time! But to captivate the essence and create a collection of work is what takes honing and working and guiding my creative thinking and feeling. Many times I'll see something that triggers and idea, or experience something that makes me want to capture the essence of that on paper. But if I'm ever stuck in a rut, I have a bulletin board in my studio, hundreds of books, pin boards on pinterest, playlists on my ipad, children to play with and a gorgeous plot of land with trees and a garden that usually will get the juices going to create!
SouleMama: What's your favorite part of your job? The most challenging?
Sarah Jane: My favorite part of my job is creating. sketching. doodling. marking down ideas. finalizing art work. Hands down, I'm an artist. The hardest part of my job is how to get it "out there" so that we can live off my work. It's hard. very hard. And can often use up a lot of my creative energy...the creative energy I need so much to create my illustrations. But so far, things have gone well. And I've learned that as long as I'm loving my work, others do too! Love must be in all that you do when making a business of your creative hobby!
For today's giveaway, Sarah Jane is generously offering the following to ONE winner:
~ 1 signed copy of her newest picture book entitled, A Christmas Goodnight
a $100 gift card to the Sarah Jane Studio Shop!
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Thank you to Sarah Jane!
To enter today's giveaway, please leave a comment (one entry per person, please) in today's post. I'll close comments by 8am EST on Sunday, and announce the winner(s), chosen via Random Number Generator, shortly after.
Comments closed! The winner is....
I just love Sarah Jane!
Posted by Grace