These days, whether with all seven of us, or one of us, or the three girls as this documented case may be, a walk in our woods is not complete without:
~ blaze orange and lots of it
~ handknits, handknits, and more handknits
~ the clippers, for gathering
~ a basket (or bucket, as the case may be), for bringing in
~ a stop by the old farm 'dump' for Mama to scout treasures
~ a stop by the Forest of Four Forts, created by and for my little ones, and as unique as they are
~ a cat (or two or three) following a girl
~ crunchy leaves, fresh autumn air, and golden light
I am hopeful there will be many more walks in the woods in the coming days - in the moments-in-between a whole lot of excitement this week. Birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Nutcracker, oh my! Busy days to be sure, but a wonderful time in which we are all gathered together and celebrating all that is good and beautiful right now.
I'll see you back here on Friday for {this moment}. Wishing you all a most wonderful week until then!