This week in my kitchen, I have...
:: baked, cooked, and cleaned up to the sounds and sights of the perpetual chess game in our family.
:: declared this Chicken Stew with Rosemary-Garlic Dumplings to be our current dinner favorite.
:: made peppermint bark!
:: nibbled on the teacher gifts of peppermint bark until they practically disappeared and I needed to make more in time for giving. Oops.
:: shooed that kitten out of my kitchen approximately two hundred times a day.
:: lamented the darkening days, and making dinner in darkness at four o'clock in the afternoon.
:: added some twinkle lights, just for fun...and light.
:: remembered, with all that frozen zucchini in my world, just how yummy this zucchini coconut bread is (less maple syrup in place of sugar, and coconut oil in place of vegetable oil).
:: appreciated the 'break' our hens are taking from laying eggs with the change in light. Perfectly timed for a 'break' from all that quiche and frittata.
:: thought it very funny that a soup I've been making a lot - with black beans, tomatoes, and pumpkin - appeals to different members of my family on different nights (because I never can remember just how I made it the last time and so it's never quite the same).
:: made sure, just this very morning, that there was enough crystalized ginger to make Jen's Sacraligious Gingerbread bread later today.
:: welcomed a baby girl to the table most nights, to sit and laugh and watch us. For now.
:: felt the bounty of and deep gratitude for shelves and freezer(s) more full than I've ever had them before of our food - pork, turkey, chicken, and a garden's worth of vegetables and fruit. Real sustenance that means so much more than food to me.
:: begun the planning of our solstice feast and christmas breakfast and new years brunch, oh my!
:: thought a lot about just how often I should make bacon wrapped dates (inspired by recent trips to Boda, one my favorite Portland eateries).
:: so completely loved-up our table, and felt such joy each time we gather 'round it.
:: found my winter bread-baking rhythm once again, as I tuck bowls of rising bread behind the woodstove.
It's a busy place, this kitchen of ours!
What's happening in your kitchen this week?