It's truly December now, isn't it? Our Nutcracker season ended just last night, with our energy now shifting towards fully soaking in and loving up this time of holiday goodness. Trying to move slowly and gracefully through these fast-moving days, I find myself - as often as I can remember - pausing and noticing.
These days when I pause to do so, I notice that I am very much enjoying...
...finalizing gift making plans alongside my little makers.
...the promise of many more days at home coming up, after a whole lot of days on the go. Ah...
...the chess board tucked under ezra's arm these days, always at the ready for a game.
...the way my oldest adores my youngest. and vice versa.
...the blurry photos my babes take when they snag my camera.
...the sweet rabbit vase by Patti Sandberg I picked up as a treat for myself, while holiday shopping at the Maine College of Art holiday sale. hydrangeas in the house ~ a lovely winter treat.
...the launch of the winter issue of Rhythm of the Home (find an interview with Steve and I there!)
...the fact that I put 'start narcissus bulbs' at the top of today's to do list. Priorities, you know.
...spending this festive month with the fine company at habit once again.
...this gorgeous body of work from jen judd-mcgee (available now online at Nahcotta).
...that December 10th is approaching (the date I promised myself I would wait until to make the beloved peppermint bark).
...the promise of a walk in the woods this week on our land, to look for just the right little bit of green to bring back inside and decorate.
Wishing you many moments of enjoyment as you pause and notice this season, too.