I'm a big fan of plans, to-do lists, and goals. I make a whole lot of all of them. They keep me on task, they help me dream big, and they play a big part in making good things happen in my life.
I'm an equally big fan of ditching the plan, shortening the to-do list, and shifting goals. When the time is right, when these things are called for, it's exactly what saves sanity and brings harmony to our days, and hearts.
With six days until Solstice and ten now until Christmas, I find myself in that place. That place of a little bit of a reality check. That place where I look with honest eyes at the calendar and the lists, and into the eyes of my little ones as well as my very own heart (and my need for sleep) - and somehow, the meeting of all these things together determines my course of action going forth.
Because I am quite certain that Annabel will not mind in the least if her handmade stocking arrives on her second Christmas rather than her first. And I think Ezra will be okay if the second sleeve on his handknit sweater is finished by New Years instead of Solstice. That it's okay if all those other totes of holiday decorations stay right where they are in the barn this year, unopened. And that it doesn't matter if all those niece and nephew gifts I'm working on arrive in paper bags instead of the intended handmade ones. And on. And on. And on....
What do I know to be true, what I do believe with all of my heart really matters... is that these little ones of mine have a calm and present Mama. That we experience the joy and wonder and magic of this marvelous time of year...together. That our moments are meaningful and full of love. That I stay true to our perpetual holiday goal of Simple and Special. (Simple is special.)
Today, I think we'll string popcorn and cranberries. Or maybe we'll do nothing but sit in front of the fire and read Christmas Trolls over and over again. We'll see.