The concept of time, and calendars is a funny one to talk about with little ones. Little ones who pay no attention to such things as clocks and calendars. "There's no beginning OR end of it, Mom. That's just in our minds." Ezra likes to say, in one way or another, often.
It really is one for the adults, isn't it? For we do pay attention to those things - we are ever so aware of the ticking of the clock, the passing of the years...more and more so, I am finding, with each one that goes by. I suppose that's why New Years Eve and New Years Day really are becoming my favorite days of the year... A day to stop, reflect, celebrate, let go, exhale...followed by a proverbial clean slate, deep breath, and refocus.
We gave a hearty goodbye to 2011 this weekend, surrounded by old friends and new ones, good food and fire, and so many children running through my house that my heart nearly burst with the blessing of it. We celebrated all day long with the house full of people...but as the night wore on, each guest slowly trailed out, or fell asleep, until I found myself washing dishes and listening to the radio with my love in a quiet, dark and messy kitchen when the new year arrived.
It was just the way to end such a year as 2011.
The following morning the coals were smouldered as the sky brightened. And thus we greet a new year - a deep breath, and the promise of new adventure, exciting work, and freshly-set intentions.
I do love beginnings. Even - perhaps especially - the ones we create in our minds.
Happy New Year to you and yours!