Yesterday found our house empty of anyone over the age of five, as the skiers among us set out in search of winter. In their absense, there was a relative and unfamiliar quiet with Mama and just two littles. I will confess that there was a moment in the morning when I began to plot out all I could get done in the day with just a baby on my back and Harper at my side. Much cleaning, a bit of cooking, maybe even a little bit of work with some perfectly-timed coinciding naps.
But then this little guy led me out to the chickens...just to check for eggs, he said. An hour and a half later, still 'just checking for eggs,' I was reminded of the wonderful sense of time and pacing that three year olds have. It's a beautiful thing when there's all this wonder in the world...and the space and time to explore it.
I tried my very best to carry that pace all the way through our day together. It was a lovely day... on Harper time.