Adelaide took this photo yesterday. Between horseback riding lessons for her, and a trip to the grocery store, we found ourselves waiting in a lobby for Calvin to finish his class. I had some work to do, and she had some Misty to read. But that little girl of mine snuck into Mama's bag to find my phone and take this picture. (She also snuck two pieces of gum - Mama's gum. Sweet teeth, the both of us.)
I love the pictures of theirs I find. They tell me so much about them...and me...and us...and how we all fit together.
A few things on my mind this Tuesday morning, January 17th...
:: I've been busy with a new project. For a while now I've been working on it, but especially right now, I'm deep in it. It's one I care a lot about, and am excited and hopeful to share with you. Very soon.
:: I'm trying to turn myself into a morning person (see aforementioned workload + aforementioned busy children). I've never been one. But quieter evenings and an earlier bedtime are helping to make it possible. It is so peaceful in the early hours, when the house is still. My head feels clear and it seems I get so much done. There's a grace in those early hours that I might just be beginning to understand.
:: I gave up coffee a few months ago now. I miss it, but my body feels better without it. I do not think, however, its absence is helping with that previously mentioned attempt at morning love. Peppermint tea just doesn't have the same 'zing' at five a.m. Hmn.
:: I'm listening to The Head and the Heart a lot right now (check out the Austin City Limits broadcast). I'm feeling happy that I'll be seeing them live in just a few short weeks. (Just as soon as I figure out that babysitter-for-five little detail.)
:: Last night before bed, Calvin, Ezra, Adelaide and I gathered around the laptop on the kitchen table to watch Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech. I know they don't understand the depth of it all, but they always understand the power of it, as silence fills the room and they become enraptured with his voice. I always cry a little.
:: Often - sometimes hourly - I need to remind myself that the piles of books everywhere in my house really aren't anything I want to complain about. I love how much they love to read. (Which reminds me, I've got a book post brewing for you.)
:: I am positively itching to go snuggle up those two baby girl nieces of mine once again. Soon.
:: I am very much looking forward to this weekend's first SEAM meeting at Alewives in Damariscotta. Like-minded crafters gathered in a crazy-awesome fabric shop? Show-and-Tell and food and drink too? Oh yes.
:: I've got a pork shoulder slow roasting in the oven right now (a la Jamie Oliver) and it smells so good. It'll be there all day long cooking and keeping warm until late this evening, when my tired, hungry skiers arrive home.
:: It's snowing gently outside. It's going to be a beautiful day.
:: Around me today are just the two littlest. We'll have oatmeal and tea for breakfast. After that, Harper will want to check for eggs in the chicken coop. I'm in...
And so this day begins.