Taproot ::
1. the large single root of plants such as dandelion, which grows vertically downward and bears small lateral roots
2. a quarterly magazine celebrating local living through writing, photography and the arts, both fine and domestic.
I am thrilled to introduce you today to a project near and dear to my heart. Taproot: Living Fully, Digging Deeper is a new quarterly, independent, ad-free print magazine. I am incredibly honored to have been shaping and developing this magazine alongside a lovely team of folks, and to serve as its editor.

taproot is a collection of curated stories written by and for people living fully and digging deeper; people who are interested in deepening their connections to their families, communities, and themselves as they strive to live locally and closer to the ground. In all the very different ways that manifests from family to family and home to home, at taproot, we hope to find the connecting thread that binds us together.
For there's a bit of a revolution happening all around us, don't you think? Do you feel it? I hear it, I feel it, I see it eveywhere - in people's homes, backyards, and neighborhoods as we take stock of what's most important in our lives. It's happening around kitchen tables, community and school gardens, and at the homeschool coop as we join together to make community, to learn the skills of our ancestors to craft, can, and garden. We're all digging a little deeper to make our own, choose to live with less, and striving for something more as we move forward towards building a different future. Step-by-step, stitch-by-stitch, and moment-by-moment.
At taproot, we believe in place. That in this modern world with technology and noise coming at us from every and all directions, that we need even more real and tangible skills and connection in this world. Which is why you won't find taproot as an online magazine. And you won't find our pages full of the noise of traditional print advertising, either.
taproot is, instead, intented to encourage a slower, more mindful presence as it comes into your home four times a year. We hope that the art, stories, crafts, food, and poetry in the pages of taproot will serve as entertainment, education, and inspiration on your journey.

My work with taproot began a little over six months ago now, on a late summer day, as three of us - myself, Jason Miller and Ted Blood (both of Nova Natural Toys & Crafts in Vermont) gathered around my kitchen table to plant the seed. All of us parents, gardeners, thinkers, doers, and dreamers ... we talked of all the details of our lives - from tomato blight to unschooling; from the need to balance the benefit of technology with the equal need to quiet it; from the old-timers around us to the young children making change in urban school gardens. But mostly, we talked of the need for the conversation to continue. Of the need for a place to support and encourage this movement of change. taproot, we hope, is that place, that continuing conversation that we now invite you to be a part of.

Since that day six months ago, oh my, there has been so much going on! It's a little bit like book writing, but very different too. I've learned a great deal about a great number of things I previously knew nothing about - from postal rates to writing contracts to distribution and everywhere in between. But what I've experience more than anything else in this new and organic process of making a magazine from scratch, is a whole lot of hope. As I first - and nervously - reached out to the writers and artists I dreamed of having inside the pages of taproot, they each returned with a resounding and encouraging yes. With each submission that came in, I was further floored by the work and art they created for us. Encouraging, inspiring, thoughtful, and uplifting. Yes. We are especially grateful to this first group of contributors who not only generously shared their work with us, but had faith in us and the idea of taproot. I know you're going to love what they've done.
What you're looking at in this post are the page proofs from Issue 1::SOIL, which just arrived at my doorstep yesterday. Holding it in our hands is a very exciting thing indeed. It will be in print in very soon, and begin shipping in early March. Head on over to our website for those details, to read more about us, and to find our about our upcoming launch events.

Check it out. Subscribe if you can. Tell your friends about us. And, please be in touch to tell us what you hope for the pages of taproot in the months and years to come as the conversation continues.
I thank you for your support...and I'll see you there!