My advance copies of the hot-off-the-press first issue of Taproot!
Oh, what a treat it is to hold this in my hands. To find it laying casually around the house - in all the places that a properly loved-up magazine can be found, and for just the kinds of different moments that we created it to be enjoyed in - by the bed for a read before sleep; in front of the fire for a quick stolen moment from a loooong turn on a Scrabble game; next to the rocking chair for a glance while nursing a babe; on the coffee table for a guest to discover; at the breakfast table for an early-day inspiration; and in the hands of my little ones giving it all a look-over and telling us what they think (they approve!). Yes, yes, yes....these are the many kinds of family moments we thought so carefully about as we imagined how Taproot would be read.
Holding in it my hands is exciting of course, but putting it in the hands of others is even more so. Literally making a hand-off is my preferred method of sharing it, but since that's a little tricky (though fun to imagine), the postal service will be doing the work for us. Later this week, copies will begin shipping to our first subscribers. (For just a little while longer, you can still get in on the Founding Subscribers price at 25$ for one year, and 47$ for two years.)
We'll be having two launch events for Taproot, one in each of our hometowns. I'll be at both of them, along with some of our contributors, and some lovely local fare. Sunday, March 11th in Hardwick, VT and Sunday, March 18th in Portland, ME. (Both bookstores will have individual copies for sale.) We'd love to see you there!
Thank you for all the lovely word-spreading, encouragement and cheering you've been doing about this project. Your trust means a great deal, and now can't wait to get Taproot in your hands. I hope for you to love the pieces by our amazing contributors as much as I do, to dog ear and bookmark the pages, and maybe even to get it a little bit dirty with the messy work of your gardening, cooking, creating days, in hand.