I have a little crush on my neighboring states. Driving through the mountains of New Hampshire for the second time this month, I stare at the hillsides and gaze lovingly (and note-taking-ly) at every farmhouse that I pass by. In Vermont, we were spoiled by the goodness of Hardwick and its people. Thank you to Claire's Restaurant for some delicious fare, and Galaxy Bookshop for hosting us Taproot folk as we overtook the place, and our Vermont contributors Ben and Julia for so generously reading, and most of all thank you to those of you who came out on such a beautiful New England day to share in the celebration and beginnings of something special. (Taproot subscribers in the US, you should be getting your first issue this week if you haven't already. Thank you for your patience! It is coming!)
A funny thing happens when you write into a box, as this here computer essentially is (albeit, a lovely box). Each morning, I close the door to my studio and work for a few hours in mostly silence. And I know, in theory anyhow, that there's someone on the other end of that work - someone reading (the blog, a book, the magazine), and striving for similar things in your own lives. People looking for simplicity, mindfulness, craftiness, resourcefulness, connection to our children, our earth, our communities, each other. Any or all of the above.
Of course, I know that. But oh, it's so lovely when that knowledge becomes tangible. When it becomes connected to faces and babies and eyes and places through handshakes, hugs and conversation. It is both confirmation and inspiration to me that we are all doing the very best we can, that amazing things are happening, and changes being made in small but meaningful ways in places everywhere. After this weekend, I know Hardwick, Vermont to be one of those places.
Well, enough sleepy-headed, Monday morning musings from me. We have some sap to boil, some seeds to plant, some library books to return, riding lessons to attend, and much food to be made and promptly eaten around our kitchen table. Another every day.
Wishing you a most lovely start to your own week!