So many of you have thoughtfully asked - and worried - about my little Adelaide. She's doing very well. She was a true companion and responsible veterinarian assistant in the last hours of Maggie and Cocoa. For a girl who would much rather be in a barnyard full of animals than a room full of people, I think she gets it all in a way that I don't know as I'll ever fully understand. She was sad upon their deaths, but her focus and energy seems to lie in connecting with them in their lives.
And that she does, with all her heart. This girl of mine who was furious with me all day long that I didn't wake her up for my morning sit-in with the new sheep yesterday. This girl who lays herself down in a pile of stinky, poop-filled, old straw without a second thought, if she thinks it will help the sheep trust her a little bit more. This girl who has sheep eating out of her hands without any trouble at all. I'd call her my little junior shephardess, except that would be ridiculous. It is I who is the junior in this case. Without a doubt.
While I may not be ready to lay myself down upon a fresh bed of sheep poop, I do think I should follow her in her farm fashion. I mean really now. Without even knowing it or trying, she's just got it, I dare say. Though, I will take the tiniest bit of credit, for that's a new Mama-made shawl she's wearing. She's been sneaking mine all winter long, and while I love sharing it, I thought it was high time that she have her very own shawl. In purple, of course. It's the Simple Yet Effective Shawl, knit with a skein of Malabrigo Sock Yarn. (My Ravelry notes here.)
I fully expect this shawl - on the girl who wears it - to be in the barnyard most of all. I'll know it's loved when it's full of hay. That's what I made it for.