This morning, I find my thoughts wandering towards and my heart filling up with gratitude for sisters.
When we were four teenage girls together, fighting over bathrooms and and boyfriends and clothes, I remember imagining what it would be like when we were older, grown up, and parents ourselves. But I couldn't have imagined, of course, just how wonderful it would be to watch each of my little sisters slide on into the role of motherhood as they have each done with such grace. The baby wearing, breastfeeding, snuggling, attentive and loving Mamas that they all are makes me so proud of them in that perfectly annoying but very sincere way that older sisters can't help themselves from feeling. As different as we all are, and as varied as our paths may be, I feel blessed when we are together. They are such good Mamas, these sisters of mine.
This weekend we gathered to meet my latest niece, bringing the total cousin count there to twelve. Oh, all those baby toes and fingers, and cousin love that picks up right where you left off, and goes on and on through childhood. True goodness.
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Care to share a single gratitude that's most present in your heart this morning? If you feel inspired, join along in the comments here today....