I swear to you that each of my children grew three inches in the five days that I was away from (some of) them. The children that came running out to greet me when I pulled into the drive yesterday were bigger, wiser, and somehow more adorable than the ones I left last week. I'm not sure how that's possible, but it's true.
Also mysterious is how it's possible that I returned to a house with an empty sink, beds made, blog full, and children fed. I think he has superhero powers, that man of mine. (Though I am also quite certain that Adelaide was wearing the very same clothes I left her in five days ago. Thankfully, the sheep don't mind such things as this.)
After hearing all the stories of the week one by one (the pigs escaped, Papa made nachos, the chickens ate my basil, the baseball teams won...just everyday life without Mama), everyone scampered off one by one to their projects and places. I found myself pacing around my home, settling back in, in that funny transitional wandering kind of way. I finally landed in the kitchen with a baby at my feet (the spice cupboard is great entertainment), food to bake in my hands, and a deep exhale out of my lungs. Ah. Home.
Words to come tomorrow about the wondrous place and people that is Squam. But today my feet are firmly planted here.
Quite timely and topically, I'm honored to come back and find our home on the pages of the Etsy blog! Check out the Get The Look Decor feature and interview over there.
Have a beautiful day, friends.