There's been lots of time lately for thinking, and for meaningful family conversations about all things big and small. There's so much I want to talk to you about as well - I have so many new ideas to share - and I will, just as soon as our regular rhythm returns. For now though, we're not yet there. We are well - all are blessedly 'out of the woods' so to speak - though we are not quite yet 'ourselves'. Mostly, we are (I am) just tired (the nights are long on care and short on sleep), and moving slowly. And that's one of the very things I've been thinking a lot about - the idea of convalescence in our lives. The lost art of convalescence, more specifically. Because we have this expectation of ourselves (and each other) in this culture and modern world of ours, that in times of being sick, once we've popped the magic, instant cure-all pill, we then promptly rise from our beds and return to our regularly scheduled work and paycheck, school and datebook. That's nobody's fault, of course, it just is what is right now in our world. But I've been dreaming about something different - a world in which we give ourselves and each other a proper convalescence - the space and time we need in which to recover and heal from whatever life might toss our way. A flu, the fever, whooping cough. Gently, thoroughly, thoughtfully.
Like I said - it's a bit of a dream - not entirely based in the culture and modern world in which we all live and work. But a dream nonetheless. And like all good dreams - it's one worth thinking more about. For me, anyway, and us right now, I've been working to be sure we convalesce in the tiny little ways that we can - by being gentle with ourselves and each other, listening to our bodies, and caring for the whole of who we are - body and spirit. By being still. And so we, the seven Soules of us, find ourselves doing just that these days. Lowering expectations of ourselves, keeping up as best we can, letting go, and keeping on. Convalescing.
I don't know that we currently live in a world in which we can all lay low, painting in the sunshine and spending weeks recovering from illnesses. But I do know for certain that in small but important ways, we can all be a little bit gentler on ourselves - and each other. And that a cure for so many things lives in moving slowly and being still.
Wishing you all a gentle start to your week...