Today, I'm feeling grateful for....
:: a garden that is providing sustenance, ease, and nourishment, despite the bit of neglect it's been getting from us of late.
:: a freezer full of our own meat, combined with the above, meaning that we needn't leave for the grocery store at all, and that our bodies are full of good food.
:: (big) boys who are strong, mostly healthy, and entirely capable and happy to be in the kitchen.
:: garlic, by the pound. In our meals, in our teas, in our tinctures, on our feet. (Who knew?)
:: honey. Oh, those magical, mystical wonderful bees.
:: you, whom I deem the best readers in all of blogland, for: your warm and thoughtful words; sharing of knowledge and stories; and the overwhelmingly polite and kind words you shared here yesterday. They were so very much appreciated.
I wish you and yours a most lovely day today.