Oh so perfectly timed with the quiet days we've been having, my advance copy of Taproot Issue 3:RETREAT arrived last week. This straight-from-the-press single copy has been passed around, dog-eared, well loved, and brought everywhere as I soak up what's inside.
(Subscriber copies will be leaving the printer and arriving to your doorstep soon! And of course, you can start a subsciption anytime.)
I'm so excited about each of the pieces that make up this issue - from the cover (Jen Judd-McGee worked her magic once again), to the art, photography, and stories inside the pages. Submission day feels like a holiday in my inbox, as we find ourselves incredibly honored to be given the opportunity to work with each of the gifts that come in. This issue, in particular, found us feeling so strongly about the inclusion of all that goodness that it grew by twelve pages! Just right, I think for settling into the season of slowing down that we find right around the corner.
(Something new inside RETREAT - postcards on cardstock with art by the lovely Phoebe Wahl. Perfect for giving a gift subscription to Taproot, or for treasuring yourself, of course.)
I can't bring myself to pull out one single piece or one solo contributor without wanting to show you everything from this issue...so check out our Table of Contents, as well as our stellar Contributor list to see more. So much goodness, I'm telling you.
Familiar faces, new faces, the things you've come to expect from us already, and some surprises too - I think it's all in here. We've brought a bit of knitting into this RETREAT issue, in the form of Family Mittens by Carrie Bostick Hoge. I didn't even wait for the magazine in hand to get started on those - this green pair is Harper's which knit up lickety-split (that phrase makes him giggle). I've already cast on for Annabel's, and mine are next in queue. (Ravelry link here.)
(These things make a Mama's heart happy.)