Right now, I am....
:: rising from under the down comforter for the first time this season, as autumnal weather is upon us at night.
:: riding the wave of goodness that comes after any time at Squam Art Workshops, even if only for a day (the Art Fair was wonderful - and it was such a treat to meet so many of you - thank you for saying hello!).
:: hearing Harper proudly ride his bicycle without training wheels (a new weekend discovery) up and down the drive, shouting at the top of his lungs, "I wish that I had Jessie's Girl!" his favorite song of the moment.
:: smelling oatmeal and applesauce wafting from the kitchen where Papa is cooking first round breakfast for the late risers (third round for the early birds).
:: wanting to go apple picking this week.
:: squeezing the last bits of summer out of the garden as tomatoes, basil and cucumbers still happily roll in.
:: freezing, canning, and freezing and canning some more.
:: brewing up some 'kraut in my new birthday gift of a crock, from my people who decidedly do not like cabbage, but must love me very much.
:: loving the flurry of activity that's happening these days in her studio.
:: feeling grateful for being on the upswing from The Cough.
:: listening to a lot of Sun, Cat Power's new album (and really, really liking it).
:: making lists for me, lists for the farm, lists for work, and lists for the kids in preparation for our upcoming work/play vacation - our very first since moving to the farm exactly two years ago.
:: counting the days until we're all at the fair.
:: diving into this, our second week in our new fall rhythm, with much hope and intention for peace, grace, and gentleness as we go about it all.
:: wishing you the same, and a most lovely day!